

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things I am loving Thursday and house updates!

Good morning everyone! I  hope everyone is having a great week. Mine has been good, hectic, crazy and productive. As I say nearly every week, my weeks are mostly consumed with "house biz" but I have managed to do some fun things too, I have learned if one thing, that we must make time to take care of ourselves and do something fun and enjoyable every now and then,  whether its indulging in an afternoon movie-check, a great book-check, a long leisurely lunch with a treasured friend-check, dinner with hubby with a great bottle of wine-check and a little shopping spree-check! 
So you know some of what I have been up to this week, mind you its not been all fun and games. Not to fear there has been tons of stress as well (think backed up cesspools, a total utter mess and feeling a little under the weather but having to plug ahead) and all this while juggling many other obligations, things I am involved in, trying to make book club meetings and figuring out what I am going to do with myself when I move! I have thankfully, some interesting opportunities but want to take it one step at a time. Enough about me...hows your week going? Have you discovered anything that's worth sharing? Do know I love learning about all kinds of new happenings! Lots of randomness here so here it goes......

Before we begin, I know everyone loves to see the results of this weeks "Which would you choose" so here are the four finalists-

                                                 1st place  with a whopping 45 votes

2nd place with 32 votes

3rd place with 26 votes

Tied for 4th place with 22 votes each

Thanks for participating..did your favorite make it? Until next weeks "which would you choose"....

HOUSE UPDATES. This feels like that 5 steps forward 2 steps backward kind of thing. A lot has gotten done, but now its mostly covered. Our beautiful staircase and railing covered. My beloved old stone floors covered. My stunning new iron front door covered. My newly stained gorgeous wood floors covered. My beautiful marble counter tops covered. I just want to have a paper and cardboard ripping session and just like a madwomen go throughout the house and rip away all the coverings. However truth be told, if it was all removed, you would see lots of progress has been made. Upstairs doorknobs are being put on, a sure sign that the end is near. Carpeting getting put in later this week, another good sign. Search still on for marble island, going look at a few things later this week. Fingers crossed. Limestone finally has gotten started for surround but this will be no easy feat. I know understand why Rome wasn't built in a day! Many many parts and pieces all over, most in but some we are still waiting to finish carving on.....ugh, more waiting!  The stain totally done in family room...looks fabulous. So below some highlights, bear in mind a lot of the house is "under wraps" now, even the kitchen took a few final pictures until the unveiling!  I think I have talked enough, let me show you!

Take a good look at that white range, you won't see it next week!

Sconces for upstairs hallway
A gorgeous fabric contender for library eventually when we get around to it!
Totally using this velvet, looooove it, its actually a very dark Loden green

A close up of the beginning stage of the limestone

Eventual mantle to be installed hopefully in about 3-4 weeks!
Looking from room into kitchen

This picture accurately shows the color

                           Very blurry close up of hardware, pulls so far have gone on, knobs to come-

Wow my photography skills suck! Sorry for the blurry and crooked pics..gotta step it up!

A VERY ENTERTAINING DOCUMENTARY. OK, a disclaimer....this is almost comical in some instances. Well I take it back, it IS comical. But highly entertaining if you don't get nauseous first. This is all about the ultra high stakes game of getting your three old into one of the best pre schools in Manhattan. Mind you, this "game" starts at about an hour after these babies are born, I kid you not. A friend who lives in the city and whose children attend one of these "trophy" schools told me about this film and I really enjoyed it all the while kissing the ground that I am not living in NYC with a 3 year old right now. (For the record we moved out when my eldest was 1 and looking at preschools was not on my radar-call me negligent). So if this sounds like something you might enjoy, its called "Nursery University" (could not be more apropos). It is available on Netflix and it is quite amusing.  Proceed at your own risk:)

A WONDERFUL GIFT FROM A KIND BLOGGING FRIEND. You know how you just "connect"with certain people though you have never met, you are just certain that you would become great friends if you lived nearby. Well, I am lucky to say I feel that way about quite a few of my blogging friends, one of whom is the lovely Barbara from Haus Design ( a great blog if you haven't visited). Well, Barbara surprised me and sent me the most beautiful linen table runner/tablecloth!! It is old and apparently from an old palace in Bavaria....and I am so humbled and honored that she thought to send it to me.  I promise your kindness will be remembered every time I see it!! You too can be the recipient of Barbara's talented and honed eye for beauty...she is soon opening her online store, Linen Haus

A GREAT NEW COOKBOOK AND A FEW NEW BOOKS ON THEIR WAY. You know my penchant for a bevy of random books. I got the new Beekman  cookbook and am loving it, great recipes, interesting tidbits about their farm,etc..great gift idea too! Then on their way are two very interesting and entertaining books below which I cannot wait to delve into......

And I am waiting on these two random but what I know will be entertaining reads....

This is about  13 short stories from women of all ages, talking about their life, food and their issues with dieting, body image,love, letting go, and loss.  I know this is going to be a fun read!

And then for anyone who enjoys wine and reading more about it, this is a true story about 3 very rare bottles of Chateau Lafite found in a Parisian basement thought to have been bought originally by Thomas Jefferson. This story with a twist ends in a crazy know the rest we will need to read it, which I plan on doing....I think this sounds totally fascinating!

SOME PRETTY SPIFFY HARDWARE. I have been really lax about the hardware for my bathroom and  hubbies (though I think I squared his away, just went classic, masculine and traditional) but for mine I wanted something a little different, something feminine, old world, classic and timeless. I must hand credit to Anthropologie they really do get some very unique things in and by chance I found this scrumptious hardware, which I have ordered one's of to give it a try. What do you think? Who knew!!

Great looking mercury glass knob

This crystal is timeless

A knob with your sweet!

Delicate with a pretty vintage vibe

Maybe a powder room? So pretty with the cut crystal

Loving this pull....ordered one to try for my vanity.

MY LANTERNS FOR MY KITCHEN! I am very very excited to present to you my lanterns that are on their way to my kitchen!! These are exactly what I had in mind and I am thrilled to have found them. Let me present the newest addition to my  house family.....

AND FINALLY.....A FABULOUS GIVEAWAY. TODAY folks is the last day to leave your comment on Facebook for Safavieh F to be eligible for this oh so beautiful telephone table!! I will draw a name first thing tomorrow morning and announce the lucky winner Friday morning. Good luck! Here is the low down.....

Now onto a fabulous giveaway, Safavieh has once again generously donated this amazingly elegant "telephone" or end table... talk about versatile! This could go anywhere, and is such a great looking little piece. It is very simple to be eligible to win. (You get your choice in color)

1. Visit Safavieh at
2. Choose a favorite item, then go to their Facebook page and tell them what you love and be sure you mention you are from The Enchanted Home.
3. Click here to go to Facebook or while on their website,on the home page there is an "F" (Facebook symbol)  to take you there.
4. You will not be eligible unless you have left a message on Facebook.
5. I will announce the lucky winner on Friday!

OK everyone...that's this Thursday for me! Hope you are having a wonderful week, and please let me know if there is something you want to share!


OK OK....I know you thought I forgot. I didn't, several of you were intrigued by my oatmeal cookie binge. Yes they really were THAT good. With an iced cold glass of milk, right out of the oven, these babies blow therapy away. (Have never been but many of my friends do and swear by it) Well I have a cheap and yummy alternative! So without delay, in case I have passed the cookie craving onto you, here is the recipe, originally found over at the great blog,  Splendid Market....I substituted the chocolate chips for nuts and left half just plain oatmeal. Make them, you won't be sorry....they were worth every calorie. 

Selma’s Best Oatmeal Cookies, ala Splendid Market
1 cup (2 sticks) salted, softened butter

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 beaten egg
1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cups quick rolled oats

3/4 cup chocolate chips

1 tsp. vanilla
              Preheat oven to 350 degrees (180 C).
              Cream together butter, sugar, brown sugar
              Create a bowl in the center of the creamed mixture, beat the egg and then blend the egg and vanilla into this mixture.
              In another bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Add to creamed mixture.
              Add oats, chocolate chips.
              Next, Selma says to chill the dough for 1 hour, and put walnut sized pieces on a baking sheet. Then butter the bottom of a small glass and dip it in sugar, and flatten each cookie with the glass. I have had fine results just dropping spoonfuls of the dough onto a silpat covered baking sheet, and skipping the sugared glass step.


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