

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prayers for Lucas

Hello everyone,
     I hope all my fellow Canadian friends had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. I know I have been missing for awhile and I had planned to do a post and let you know I would be gone but I was just too busy. My husband Andrew and I went to Quebec for a week partly for a holiday and partly to meet up with our daughter Jen and her youngest son Lucas who was going to Montreal for a drug trial.
  Lucas is six years old and he was diagnosed with  Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy when he was only two years old.This terrible disease attacks all the muscles of the body causing a lack of mobility at a young age.
   Lucas is a very sweet and lovable little boy and our prayer is that there will be a much better treatment and hopefully a cure in the not too distant future for Lucas and all the other boys affected by DMD.
   There is a new drug that has been showing promise for slowing down the disease and our prayer is that if this drug is safe and effective, Lucas will be acccepted into the trial .This would mean Lucas and Jen fly to Montreal once a week for 52 weeks for an injection and of course checking Lucas for any negative side effects. Lucas has had his first visit and it went well so he has two more hurdles to pass before he is acccepted into the trial. So my request is that you would please keep Lucas and his family in your prayers and that someday soon the future will look much brighter for all the boys and their families who are afflicted by DMD.

Lucas in the hotel room with the view of the city behind him.

We are thankful that there is hope for better future and that Lucas has such a sunny little personality and just enjoys life.Lucas has also been blessed with two very loving parents and two older brothers that love him to bits!

Thank you to all who take the time to say a prayer for Lucas as we do  believe in the power of prayer!

I will be back soon to share some lovely photos of Quebec City-it is such a beautiful old city. We have a couple of house and garden tours this week and then it will be time to start putting the garden to bed for the winter.Does it not seem like only yesterday the tulips were coming up???

Hope you have a great week.



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