

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Flat Princess

A few weeks back Darla from Bay Side To Mountain had a visit from the Flat Princess.  From what I can tell the Flat Princess started out in Australia from a blog that is still up but not being maintained.  You can read a little about her adventures here, here, here, here, and hereWhen the Flat Princess was ready to travel on, I volunteered to be her hostess.

Since we really don't know everywhere she has traveled, Darla made a tag for her and signed her name as well as the previous Flat Princess host.  I will add my name before I pass her on.

While visiting me here in North Carolina, The Flat Princess has been rather bored.  She has spent most of her time in my studio...

Then she helped me do a little fall decorating...

Next she played with the rooster amongst the rosemary plants...

She checked out my fall crop of yellow beans and showed me the flowers blooming!

And because our weather has been so beautiful lately, she sat under the pergola for a while.

The Flat Princess is ready to move on to another adventure.  The first person that lets me know in their comment that they would like to have The Flat Princess visit them, I will ship her to.

edited to add:  Vee from A Haven For Vee will be hosting the Flat Princess....Thanks Vee!
Welcome Home,


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