

Monday, October 31, 2011

Farewell My Garden

Hello everyone,
    We had a lot of rain and wind here yesterday but many areas had their first snowfall.I wonder if that is a sign of what kind of a winter we will have. Last year we had a green Christmas so I am hoping for early December snow but not necessarily before then! Speaking of Christmas last year I had a Christmas blog that I started early in November but all the photos accidentally got deleted so on the weekend I spent some time trying to put them back on but I haven't decided yet whether to have a separate blog for Christmas or not.
Hope I am not the only one thinking about Christmas before October is over!
Anyway,today it is time to bid goodbye to our garden for another season. Much of the cleanup is done and the roses will have to be banked in the next couple of weeks so my days of going out to the garden and picking a bouquet are past,except for the late blooming monkshood , the sedum and some hydrangea blossoms everything else has been cut down.So one day last week I picked the last of blooms in the garden.

Farewell my garden-I will look forward to seeing you again come spring! For everything there is a season and I don't mind having a break from the garden chores for awhile as I look forward to a new season of beauty as the garden becomes covered in the  pristine  beauty of snow!  

Macro shots of feverfew and the Fairy rose

Blue campanula
I hope all the little ones have a safe and fun filled halloween tonight!

I am joining the house in the roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday.

Thank you for stopping by.



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