

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Life Beyond the Blog

Frost on the pumpkin? So it was...though I have no pumpkins. We've already had several frosts here and I'm way behind on my fall gardening. Life happens—wonderful things as well as the not so good.

I'm now on day twelve of a cold. It's behaved more like the flu, though I received my annual flu shot on October third. At any rate, I missed one glorious week of weather before the frost arrived.

Cabo San Lucas
View from our room.

Prior to my plague, we were in Cabo San Lucas for the wedding of son, Chris and his stunning bride, Nicole. I need to request permission to post their photos, but I have to share with you that the private beach ceremony, followed by a champagne brunch was marvelous! Richard and I spent a few extra days in Cabo and will definitely be going back. More about all of this in a future post.

Prior to the wedding, I was writing furiously. One day, I just began writing a fiction novel and couldn't stop! I wrote 60,000+ words in 30 days. Then, I decided the second half was so much better written than the first half of the book, that I spent another 30 days writing the novel again—changing the plot, too. Writing the novel has been so addictive that I now find it difficult to blog as my creative writing has been consumed.

Prior to the novel, I wrote a few pieces for, the North Carolina tourism website. I link to those here on my blog. It's free reading and might inspire you to visit our gorgeous state.

Just today, Richard and I finalized our plans for our annual spring vacation to France. We're going back for the third time to Antibes, followed by another visit to Paris. We have to book these trips in advance because we can only afford to go by using frequent flier miles for one or two free tickets.

I could write several stories on how to make travel to Europe affordable. Perhaps soon? Would you like to know that renting an apartment is far less expensive than hotels? You also get to immerse yourself in the culture by shopping for toilet paper in a grocery store or cough drops in a pharmacy—and attempting to do so by speaking the local language—not perfectly, but enough to be understood.

Food trucks! There's new world for foodies and I must tell you all about the amazing food available from food trucks in our area. In addition to the delicious restaurant choices around here, I love the options from the trucks.

Then, there are the lemurs! I went to the Duke Lemur Center, a non-invasive research, education and conservation center in Durham to write stories about the lemurs. I went back and took Richard over there. We have volunteered to help them take their 45 years of data and consolidate it from disparate systems into a SAS® analytical database. That project is just now starting up, but my cold has sidelined me. Richard is taking the lead. I shall confess that I've fallen in love with the endangered lemurs. If you're on my Facebook page, then you know that I'm always sharing photos and videos from the DLC.

I want to read about gardening...not my life, right? Okay, the next story will be about all the wonderful seeds that I've purchased for the 2012 flowers....I promise!

Words and photos by Freda Cameron, Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel.  All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks, copyrights, or patents owned by those respective companies or persons.


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