

Monday, October 24, 2011

Behind the Debby from Inspired Design! And guest posting!

Good morning, hope everyone had a superb weekend. Here the weather was a "10", just picture perfect!! Don't forget about the exciting giveaway, details at the end of this post.


ALSO I AM GUEST POSTING TODAY AT CHIC COASTAL LIVING! I didn't know it was running today, otherwise would have mentioned it earlier. Please visit me there!! Click here to visit. 

 I am so happy to be here with yet another uber talented blogging friend, say hi to.......
Debby from Inspired Design
Debbie is one of those wonderfully kind people who has a special talent of combining beauty with inspiration and thought provoking messages and posts. I always leave her blog feeling enlightened and inspired. She has great style and a clear appreciation for the tangible and  intangible beauty in life. I am so happy I to count Debby as a "blog friend"  and after reading over her interview, have even more respect and admiration for her. Debby, I found myself nodding in agreement to many of your replies and feel as though your insightful answers were a wonderful reflection of who you are.
 Her blog is ALWAYS predictably awesome, every post is one I know that I will be smitten with for its beauty, style and thought provoking messages. She also has some of the best series' in blogland, That Inspirational Girl and Dress to decor, being two of my personal faves.Thank you for giving me a little slice of inspiration every morning when I make "my rounds" in blogland!! It wouldn't be complete without stopping by to see what you have put together. If you are not already familiar with Inspired Design, I highly recommend you stop by and say hello to Debby!

Click on header to visit  Inspired Design and thank you Debby for participating!

So,  how did you end up blogging? I started blogging quite by accident. I had never even read a blog. I was just kind of bored one evening and started to play around and one thing lead to another. I just jumped in blindly much like everything I do and I figured it out as I went.
A few things I love about fall are....................Autumn is by far my favorite season and there is nothing quite like Autumn in New England. I love the vibrant burst of colors, the crisp air, crunching leaves, apple picking, pumpkin spice lattes and entries decked out with pumpkins

You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house on the beach,  will it be Malibu or Nantucket? Nantucket!! I am enamored with the island of Nantucket. I love the cobblestone streets, quaint rose covered cottages, historical homes in town, widow walks, pristine beaches, talented artists, one of a kind boutiques, whaling museum, farmer's markets, biking trails, upscale dining and the feeling of stepping into a better place and time

Two weeks first class all the way, is it London or Paris? Paris will always have my heart! I found it to be even better than I had dreamed. The architecture is beyond amazing. I pine for the beautiful gardens to savor a picnic lunch, tea at Ladurée, hot chocolate at Angelina, shopping at Printemps, people watching at outdoor cafes and warm Nutella crepes wrapped in paper

If I was 18 again I would.....spend a summer working as a waitress in Australia, enjoying the freedom that comes with being 18 and relish being in a land filled with friendly people, an amazing outback, wildlife and gorgeous beaches

What would be on your plate for your ultimate dream dinner and dessert? Hmmm.... this one is tricky because I certainly love food so it's tough to pick a favorite meal. Right now I am thinking California Rolls and Hot and Sour Soup followed by Green Tea ice cream.

Tell us as little or much as you want to about your family? I am a proud mom of two. Jordan who is 18 and a freshman at college and Logan who will be turning 16 in November. Of course, my two dogs are my babies!

Worst habit? Best trait? Worst habit: Cursing when I am aggravated.Best trait: The ability to put people at ease. I can learn a persons entire life story in the check out line at the market. Perhaps, I should have been a therapist?

Favorite design trend? Right now I am loving the glam... mirrored, lacquered, gilded, gold, metal, chandeliers, fur... bring it on!

One golden rule/advice for decorating that you would pass on...  If you love it in the store BUY it. If you are not sure where you will put it when you get it home, trust me, if you love it you will find a place. Trust your instincts, if something is speaking to you... listen!

Designer icon Fashion: Kate Spade, no explanation needed. Interiors: Suzanne Kasler

You get to have lunch with anyone in the entire world, could be from Hollywood, a famous author or playwright, a politician, rock star, a cooking guru, religious leader, anyone…who are the lucky two to sit at your table? The first two people who came to mind were David Goldman and his son Sean. I followed David's gut wrenching battle with the Brazilian court system after his wife abducted their son out of the country. His was a battle no parent should ever have to face. His three year old son, gone in the blink of an eye. I revealed in their reunion and would thoroughly enjoy just seeing them together sharing a meal!

 A perfect day would start with in the AM lots of coffee and a walk on the beach and end with in the PM, a relaxing dinner, good conversation and a a walk on the beach.

If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why? Autumn. I think my answer to question #2 says it all!

Describe your favorite outfit. A typical fall outfit for me is casual and comfy. A cute cardi, always a scarf, dark denim, an element of fun such as an animal print belt and I am loving these Tory Burch wedges!

Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family……Right now I am dreaming of a California or Hawaiian spa getaway that would involve, my daughter, my mom and my niece!

Favorite movie or book that you could read or watch over and over? The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I read the book so I was dying to see the film when it was released. My experience is usually that I do not enjoy the film as much as the book. I was delightfully surprised that the film exceeded the book in my opinion I believe in part to the delightful Rachel McAdams who played Allie. I have seen it countless times, tearing up each time, I always route for Allie and Noah to be together and walk away with the feeling that nothing really compares to a true love

3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are. Nurturing, creative, and girly! 

Comedy or dramas? Being a romantic, I love romantic comedies! A good drama will always hold my interest though so I'm not sure I could choose one over the other.

A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved...................Always Something There to Remind me, by Beth Harbison. It is a light read written with depth and wit. Its about a single mother who's boyfriend proposes and suddenly she can't stop thinking about her first real love. The story is told in flashbacks and is packed with 80's nostalgia. It will bring you right back to your teen years. If you ever thought back on your first love and wondered wehre he is or what he is doing, you will love this book.

In my next life I will ........Be born into a life a privilege and reside in Paris and I most definitely am putting in a request for thick hair next time around!!

One thing I absolutely cannot live without is..........My iphone and my Macbook!

If I have learned one thing in life, it is..........Honestly, I am still trying to learn this one but am getting better at it... live life with no regrets!

And now a little recap on some of the things Debby loves....

Oh and did I mention that Debby is very pretty? (yes that is her smack in the middle with her adorable son and daughter above her). Thought you would agree. How great is Debbie?  Love who she chose for her two dinner guests, and adore her idea about what to do if she was 18 again. And Debby, your best trait...think that be mine too! I also share her love for Paris, not a difficult thing to do! And YES so agree on everything you said about The Notebook!! Thank you Debby for this little peek into your life and for everyone else for stopping by. Do stop over and say hello to Debby, you will be so happy you did!! Enjoy your day. Click here to visit Inspired Design.


Now onto a fabulous giveaway, Safavieh has once again generously donated this amazingly elegant "telephone" or end table... talk about versatile! This could go anywhere, and is such a great looking little piece. It is very simple to be eligible to win. (You get your choice in color)

1. Visit Safavieh at
2. Choose a favorite item, then go to their Facebook page and tell them what you love and be sure you mention you are from The Enchanted Home.
3. Click here to go to Facebook or while on their website,on the home page there is an "F" (Facebook symbol)  to take you there.
4. You will not be eligible unless you have left a message on Facebook.
5. I will announce the lucky winner on Friday!


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