

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Random Saturday musings, an award and a FABULOUS giveaway!!

Good morning. We are supposed to have a beautiful fall day today,  I am going up to CT. for the day but was really hoping to go upstate to enjoy the fall foliage which is just about to peak but hopefully next weekend. Today's post is a lot of random thoughts, an exciting giveaway and an award I received!!  So excuse any real lack of organization or sole purpose. First to answer questions that have been asked of me since I posted my Thurs. house update (click here to visit) I find its easier for me to answer questions as they come, then onto the giveaway and the award. Lets get started......

1.Many people asked about the names of the wallpapers featured in Thurs. post so here they are....(pardon the pictures, took with my phone)

This one is from  Schumacher #529252

This is by Sanderson (at Zoffany Showroom design is Palampore, pattern #DCAVPA105

And finally this one is also Sanderson at Zoffany Design is Roslyn pattern #DVIWRO101

2. What color is your island and butlers pantry? The island is painted black whereas the pantry is stained a very dark java stain, the darkest that exists yet in the sun you can see the graining come through.

3. Is my marble in the kitchen and butlers honed or polished? Honed, only because its a personal preference, and the key is or so I have been told, to be sure to use a heavy duty sealer for it once or twice a year.

4. What colors are we using throughout the house? I can't totally and accurately answer this as we are only really working on a few rooms right now, but there will be lots of blue, varying shades of tans and gold, and grays. My bedroom is going to be cream and a very pale gray/blue. Family room as I have spoken about is going to be golds, blues and browns. I will surely share with you all what I am doing but thus far this is about it.

5. When am I moving? Ahh, the million dollar question! We are aiming and that is the key word, to move mid November. However to do so the front entrance has to be in, they just installed the front door and I am giving you a sneak peak of it in the process of being installed, now that its installed they are able to work on the surround so if weather cooperates and all goes well they should have it done within a week or two. We are taking it one day at a time at this point, and fingers crossed I will be in by Thanksgiving. There are no words to describe how much I need to be "home".
Sneak peek at door...

6. I got the question of my topiaries, a future business and whether I will be selling these or not a lot. So first thank you so much for your many kind remarks and inquiries, yes I will at some point start selling them along with some wonderful items. I do see a market for certain things just based on my own personal experience in looking for certain things. I feel the market is saturated with a capital S with things that are more transitional, but for really classic old world traditional items I find them less available. So, while I recognize that moving is the most important thing at this minute,  I am anxious and ready to start pursuing other dreams I have had for quite a while. I don't want to be 80 and have regrets or wonder why I didn't at least try something I thought so long about doing! Anyone else feel that way?

I think that answers most of the questions that I got that haven't yet been answered! Thank you for your interest and feel free to ask away.

Now onto a fabulous giveaway, Safavieh has once again generously donated this amazingly elegant "telephone" or end table... talk about versatile! This could go anywhere, and is such a great looking little piece. It is very simple to be eligible to win. (You get your choice in color)

1. Visit Safavieh at
2. Choose a favorite item, then go to their Facebook page and tell them what you love and be sure you mention you are from The Enchanted Home.
3. Click here to go to Facebook or while on their website,on the home page there is an "F" (Facebook symbol)  to take you there.
4. You will not be eligible unless you have left a message on Facebook.
5. I will announce the lucky winner on Friday!

And last, I just got informed that lovely Wendi from Classic Chic Home has awarded me the Versatile Blogger award!!

Thank you so very much Wendi! In case you are not already familiar with Wendi's wonderful site all about chic decorating and living, you must visit, click here to visit.

In accepting this award, you are asked to award this to 15 other bloggers and share 7 things about yourself.  So, first my 7 things.

1. I LOVE Swedish fish, hot tamales and red vines licorice. Have since I was like I think 10 years old and discovered the wonders of using  red vines as a straw in a slurpee :)

3. I dream often about buying a little charming farmhouse in Vermont, and growing a huge garden, opening up a super intimate farm to table restaurant serving things straight from the "farm" in other words leaving all the chaos behind and escaping to a simple quite life in the country. Its a fantasy but it helps me relax just thinking about it!

4. I have a bucket list that is ridiculously long. I have many many many things I would like to accomplish. I am determined to start checking things off that list when I move.

5. I really think I could have been a great actress, I am not being conceited, i just feel like I do have an ability to act. Didn't spend a day in theater or drama class, but somehow I do think I am  capable of acting "on cue". The few people who know this about me, agree but I just don't talk about it or reveal it to many people, it might seem silly. But now you know!

6. I like to pretend I am in my own cooking show, when I am cooking (well, only when I am really in the mood that is) I talk to myself, pour my wine, really get into it....makes it a lot more fun! 

7. I love to read, and I read about everything including some very random subjects. I feel that reading really does broaden your horizons and opens your mind to knowing so much more about the world. Two of the more recent random books I read were the biography of Albert Einstein (sooo fascinating) called Albert Einstein by Albrecht Folsing and then I read "The Quaints" by Scott Patterson, which is basically about the mathematical wunderkinds on wall street coming straight out of the best  colleges and how their mathematical applications to running and controlling the stock market made them billions all the way to the meltdown in 2007. I LOVED this book, it is mind blowing and captivating but you have to be kind of interested in this to enjoy it. I was just captivated. Random books? Yes, but I enjoy them.

Anywhooo, that's my seven things. Onto 15 deserving bloggers, this is hard very hard because I could easily list 30 but I am trying here to think of someone I haven't awarded something to in the past but someone who is doing a heck of a job and deserves some love. I hope you will make a quick visit to each, and say hello. We ALL know that warm and fuzzy feeling we get when someone comments that they just found us, love our blog and are a new follower!
 So here we go....say hello and congrats to

Donna from D Reyne
Jordand from White Cabana
Debra from Acquired Objects
Emily from The French Hutch
I dream of
Pam from Red Ticking
The Buzz blog
Sarah from Belle on Heels
Jennifer from Belclaire House
Dawn from The Alternative bride
Melinda from Georgica Pond
Melissah from Scrapbook
Lisa from A room with a view
TP from The preppy princess
Rachel from All things architecture
Monika from Splendid Willow

So there is all my randomness, I could actually go on and on, and could tell you how about this amazing recipe I got for oatmeal cookies and on a whim ran to the market, and decided to whip up a batch and I could tell you how good they came out and could also tell you how I have over the last two days proceeded to eat almost the entire batch myself. I could but I won't!
Enjoy your day and weekend!

PS Well, maybe on second thought I will spill the beans on the cookie binge but will share it along with the recipe on Thursday :)


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