

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Should I Do?

While I am waiting for the dark stain to come in so I can finish my hutch, I started working on the French Settee.

Since I have never done an upholstery job of this size before, I am carefully removing each piece of fabric and gimp to use as a pattern when I put it back together.  In the picture above you can see the front of the back has the fabric removed.

I started removing the one gazillion, billion staples with a screw driver and pliers.  It was taking forever.  I thought there must be a "tool" for this, and guess what?  There is!!  So I ordered it and am waiting for it to come in.

Now, I have two projects on hold :-)

In the meantime, I have been looking for inspiration on what fabric to use on the settee.

Should I use a linen like material?

or a toile?

How about a check?

I love the look of the patterned fabrics, but the neutral linen type fabric would go with everything...

If you were doing this, what would you do?

Oh!  I am taking tons of pictures of this, because a few of you have asked for a tutorial.  So when it is finished, I show you step by step how I did it.
Welcome Home,

My Life Beyond the Blog

Frost on the pumpkin? So it was...though I have no pumpkins. We've already had several frosts here and I'm way behind on my fall gardening. Life happens—wonderful things as well as the not so good.

I'm now on day twelve of a cold. It's behaved more like the flu, though I received my annual flu shot on October third. At any rate, I missed one glorious week of weather before the frost arrived.

Cabo San Lucas
View from our room.

Prior to my plague, we were in Cabo San Lucas for the wedding of son, Chris and his stunning bride, Nicole. I need to request permission to post their photos, but I have to share with you that the private beach ceremony, followed by a champagne brunch was marvelous! Richard and I spent a few extra days in Cabo and will definitely be going back. More about all of this in a future post.

Prior to the wedding, I was writing furiously. One day, I just began writing a fiction novel and couldn't stop! I wrote 60,000+ words in 30 days. Then, I decided the second half was so much better written than the first half of the book, that I spent another 30 days writing the novel again—changing the plot, too. Writing the novel has been so addictive that I now find it difficult to blog as my creative writing has been consumed.

Prior to the novel, I wrote a few pieces for, the North Carolina tourism website. I link to those here on my blog. It's free reading and might inspire you to visit our gorgeous state.

Just today, Richard and I finalized our plans for our annual spring vacation to France. We're going back for the third time to Antibes, followed by another visit to Paris. We have to book these trips in advance because we can only afford to go by using frequent flier miles for one or two free tickets.

I could write several stories on how to make travel to Europe affordable. Perhaps soon? Would you like to know that renting an apartment is far less expensive than hotels? You also get to immerse yourself in the culture by shopping for toilet paper in a grocery store or cough drops in a pharmacy—and attempting to do so by speaking the local language—not perfectly, but enough to be understood.

Food trucks! There's new world for foodies and I must tell you all about the amazing food available from food trucks in our area. In addition to the delicious restaurant choices around here, I love the options from the trucks.

Then, there are the lemurs! I went to the Duke Lemur Center, a non-invasive research, education and conservation center in Durham to write stories about the lemurs. I went back and took Richard over there. We have volunteered to help them take their 45 years of data and consolidate it from disparate systems into a SAS® analytical database. That project is just now starting up, but my cold has sidelined me. Richard is taking the lead. I shall confess that I've fallen in love with the endangered lemurs. If you're on my Facebook page, then you know that I'm always sharing photos and videos from the DLC.

I want to read about gardening...not my life, right? Okay, the next story will be about all the wonderful seeds that I've purchased for the 2012 flowers....I promise!

Words and photos by Freda Cameron, Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel.  All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks, copyrights, or patents owned by those respective companies or persons.

Farewell My Garden

Hello everyone,
    We had a lot of rain and wind here yesterday but many areas had their first snowfall.I wonder if that is a sign of what kind of a winter we will have. Last year we had a green Christmas so I am hoping for early December snow but not necessarily before then! Speaking of Christmas last year I had a Christmas blog that I started early in November but all the photos accidentally got deleted so on the weekend I spent some time trying to put them back on but I haven't decided yet whether to have a separate blog for Christmas or not.
Hope I am not the only one thinking about Christmas before October is over!
Anyway,today it is time to bid goodbye to our garden for another season. Much of the cleanup is done and the roses will have to be banked in the next couple of weeks so my days of going out to the garden and picking a bouquet are past,except for the late blooming monkshood , the sedum and some hydrangea blossoms everything else has been cut down.So one day last week I picked the last of blooms in the garden.

Farewell my garden-I will look forward to seeing you again come spring! For everything there is a season and I don't mind having a break from the garden chores for awhile as I look forward to a new season of beauty as the garden becomes covered in the  pristine  beauty of snow!  

Macro shots of feverfew and the Fairy rose

Blue campanula
I hope all the little ones have a safe and fun filled halloween tonight!

I am joining the house in the roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday.

Thank you for stopping by.


Behind the Jan from The French Tangerine!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!  Who better to feature today than someone who takes the color orange (along with green) to the most elegant and stylish heights. Say hello to......... Jan aka  "Queen of mosaics" of the beautiful blog.....

   The French Tangerine

OK, Jan is a gal after my own heart. I feel like I know her and we both certainly have plenty in common, including an unwavering obsession with pretty things, chinoiserie, blue and white, all things French, and have a wicked sense of humor (I can most certainly laugh at myself as can she which makes her so endearing). I laughed reading over her interview and loved getting to know more about this fun loving gal behind The French Tangerine. Now that 2 of her 3 kids are out of the home, she has devoted herself to her blog and claims it "the best hobby ever"! Her blog always promises a serious parade of eye candy, whether she is playing "investigative reporter" and having her friends open up their beautiful homes or taking us behind the scenes to a fabulous antiques fair or show. Always something gorgeous  going on over there, that much is true. SO if you aren't already a fan, do check out French Tangerine. I cannot take a trip to blogland without stopping by and I am confident you will see what I mean once you visit this style maven. Did I mention that I have unofficially named her the doyenne of mosaics? NO ONE can make a mosaic like Jan, she reigns supreme in my eyes and has taken mosaic making to new heights. You go girl! So, without further ado let me present Jan from The French Tangerine...Jan, take it away!

Click on header to visit Jan over at the beautiful French Tangerine!

So,  how did you end up blogging?
I love spending time looking for beautiful images online. I can spend hours searching for the perfect object to complete a vignette in my home. It occurred to me one night that this inspiration might be of interest to others… namely my sister-in-law Nina. I really enjoy putting together the posts, and it keeps me on my toes… and inspired! I have discovered that I love the writing as much as the images!
A few things I love about fall are....................
No sweating with a sweater, jeans with boots, no fat arms showing, football games with family and friends, that awesome crisp air, dinner parties and the beginnings of comfort food. 
You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house on the beach,  will it be Malibu or Nantucket?
Nantucket. Absolutely Nantucket.
Two weeks first class all the way, is it London or Paris? Yes, please. Both sound perfect, but I'd have to go with Paris, after all, I am the french tangerine!
If I was 18 again I would.......I would switch my double majors from Education/Art History to English/Design… I love writing! (I might have to do a minor in Art History… I would miss that invaluable information!)
What would be on your plate for your ultimate dream dinner and dessert?
Homemade pasta with bolognese… and bread! FYI: Sushi or Pizza are close seconds. Cheesecake for dessert, Definitely.
Tell us as little or much as you want to about your family? I've been married to my college sweetheart for almost 25 years. Our oldest two are away at school, so we are down to one… which is comparable to owning a guinea pig… compared to the three. Come to think of it, I think the sudden extra time had something to do with starting the blog also.
Worst habit? Best trait? Procrastinating exercise – definitely my worst habit. I will wear my workout clothes all day in hopes of getting that workout in… I do not enjoy my workout so it's always at the bottom of the list. Best trait is probably my reliability. You can count on me to get the job done.
Favorite design trend? Hmmm… not really up on the latest trends… I do love the use of reclaimed wood. So many furniture lines are using reclaimed wood or painting wood to look old giving the furniture so much more warmth and charm and character. Not everyone can find or afford antiques… thank goodness the furniture manufacturers figured this one out!
One golden rule/advice for decorating that you would pass on  If you really love it, buy it. You'll find a place for it.

Designer icon Carol Glasser, Dan Carithers, Mary Macdonald
You get to have lunch with anyone in the entire world, could be from Hollywood, a famous author or playwright, a politician, rock star, a cooking guru, religious leader, anyone…who are the lucky two to sit at your table? Obama and Michelle… I have questions. If one of them can't make it, substitute the dog whisperer. I'd love to find out what the hell my dog is trying to tell me!
A perfect day would start with a good night's rest and end with phone calls from my kids.
If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why?
Fall is a renewing time for me… cleaning out the yard, cleaning out closets, getting on a schedule. I seem to be more motivated in the fall… and again, the comfort food thing. Sitting by the fire pit on a cool night with family and friends… doesn't get much better than that.
Describe your favorite outfit. Jeans tucked in my boots, white blouse with a gorgeous scarf.. It's comfortable and casual but smart.
Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family……Our current favorite vacation spot is La Palmilla in Los Cabos, Mexico. Our best vacation ever – we're repeating this year! My dream is a trip to South Africa… I think it would be life changing.
Favorite movie or book that you could read or watch over and over? Poisonwood Bible, Beach Music is an old favorite… Really hard to pick just one!
3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are.
Thorough, Funny, Serious

Comedy or dramas? How could I possibly choose? I love Step Brothers with Will Ferrell as much as A Beautiful Life with subtitles!
A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved..............The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
In my next life I will .....Be a writer and a runner and naturally skinny
One thing I absolutely cannot live without is...............My cell piece
If I have learned one thing in life, it is...............….. You can't make everybody happy. It's my favorite thing, but not realistic. Another good one would be people believe what they want to believe, not always what's true… which can be frustrating.

And now a little recap on all the things Jan loves....

OK, do you see what I mean? How great is she! My kind of gal....We laughed and found it a little scary (insert haunted house music here) that we are so much alike. From how many years we have been married, to two oldest being away, to  her choice of meals and did you notice how she said "comfort foods" being one of the reasons she loves fall? You know I am always saying that. Be a writer and be naturally skinny (does being that way until I was 22 count) are things once again we have in common! Loved The Help too and really would like to be at your dinner with Oback and Michelle because I have questions too. Lots of them.  Thanks Jan for participating and to you all for stopping by. Do stop by and pay a little visit to The French Tangerine! Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Autumn Trends: Fall home decor inspiration!

Autumn colors are so gorgeous! Fall inspired decor ideas for those who love warm colors; balmy orange, rust red and soothing tan. These ideas will help decide your own color palette inspired by these vibrant colors.

Beautiful sophisticated decor in combination of warm brown, orange and yellow pillows. Perfect combination for Autumn and winter.

This wallpaper is popping with bright punches of pink and orange! The simple burlap armchair make for a lovely reading spot on a cold evening.

Love the gorgeous contrast between the pastel brown and bright cheerful orange dining set. So many interesting details in this retro chic dining room.

Living room with details in stripes. The color combination is appealing and vibrant. The rattan chest used as coffee table adds so much to this warm setting.

Retro eclectic living room in bright orange and yellow as accent colors. Remember to use turquoise to make this color combination interesting. Love the book shelves.

The chocolate brown adds a gorgeous contrast to the rusty red, orange and splashes of yellow.

An open plan living room in delightful colors. An orange sofa set can be used as a accessory to brighten up the any space. Turquoise adds to the style and charm.

Love the profusion of colors and brightness. Vibrant and energetic, orange, red, yellow and turquoise in an appealing balance.

There are so many details that I love in this setup. Keep the summer going even in autumn and winter!

Oriental style bedroom with beautiful silk headboards. The accessories are so important in any room decor. Love the flower theme here.

The fall leaves wall design is so gorgeous. Little cushions in woollen cases can be upcycled sweaters. A crafty touch for the winters.

Each color palette has endless possibilities. These beautiful warm colors are sophisticated and stylish. Using red and orange in combination with yellow and turquoise can brighten up any room. Enjoy these ideas and inspiration for making some season inspired room decor changes.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Change

I just wanted to let you all know there are some changes going on at Lavender Hill Studio.  I am closing my Lavender Hill Studio website as of October 31. 

I will still be creating, but selling my creations at ETSY for now and hopefully at a booth in the future.  I have my ETSY store on my sidebar.  You can read more about it on my Flea Market Makeovers blog.

Welcome Home,

Last Roses of Summer

   It is a sunny but cooler day here today, enough of a change in the weather to let us know that winter will soon be coming. However,there are still some roses etc. blooming in the garden.
I picked a bouquet to enjoy in the house.
Cute shoes and roses.
There are several shades of pink roses in the bouquet.

The Fairy rose is still giving lots of sweet little pink roses to me with lots of buds yet to bloom if the weather holds.

A faded beauty.
I am joining How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday and also Hakan for Show Off Saturday.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


~♥ It's Snowing ♥~

Woke up to snow this morning in Southwestern PA...
and it's still coming down!


Random Saturday musings, a few questions answered and a hello

Happy Saturday to you. I don't know about where you are but over here they are predicting one heck of a nasty day...including cold rain, high winds and then get this eventually a wet driven SNOW! Yes you read right, its not even Halloween and they are talking snow! Up north and west, they are predicting boatloads of the white stuff, as in up to one foot! Huh? What IS going on?

Anyway, this is one of my random posts....a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Many of you wanted the names of the fabrics I featured on Thurs. post (the library fabrics) as well as the lighting sources so I included that information. The sconce is from Decorative Crafts. Then some pretty spaces and pictures of fun things that just struck a chord for no real reason at all.

What are you up to this weekend? Here, the normal chauffeuring of my son to various things, two house appts. dinner plans with friends (I hope, hubby is a little under the weather) and hopefully will squeeze in a movie. Tomorrow we are invited to a private art auction which I would love to attend, weather permitting (its upstate CT) so we will see!

Anyway, wishing you a happy Saturday and relaxing weekend!

This is where I wish I was flying off to today.......really have a Paris bug lately.
Someone parked so close to my car, I couldn't get in yesterday, had to go through the passengers side door!!! Can you imagine? I am not 16 anymore. I wish I had this card to leave on their windshield...should get a stack of these.
How scrumptious is this chinoiserie? The colors make my heart sing...literally.
Isnt' this such a charming home? Love the colors, the pale blue gray is so French!
You know my fondness for antique mirror, love seeing it in a foyer!

And this living room made my heart race...........soooo pretty! Love the color palette.
Just ordered this plaid down coat, thought it was cute for every day...and looks really toasty!
This is such a great pattern, isn't it? Love the mix, so vintage-y.
Loving this flatware for every pretty!
Something about chocolate brown walls makes me melt.
I really LOVE these fabulous moss covered walls and that delicious dark dark green velvet sofa!

Which of these two benches do you like at the end of a bed for my room?

The fabric details from Thursdays post-
Ralph Lauren Essington Paisley in Green
Ralph Lauren Hunting Manor Paisley in Loden

Love this pattern of these Tory Bruch makeup bags, this is "so me"

And last, this is sooo clever! You take cookie batter, turn a cupcake pan upside and fit the cookie dough just around the cupcake part,  and bake. You get "cookie cups" and fill them with ice cream! How cute is that? Not to mention sinfully delicious!

Yea, I know this was kind of mean to post something this good and this easy on a Saturday morning...a morning where technically you probably could make  the time to make these, and a morning that you know your kids would crown you worlds greatest mom and baker if you did! What are you waiting for??  Told you this was random! Enjoy your Saturday, and hope its a great one!

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