

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Refreshing 'Little Lime' Hydrangea

First bloom of 'Little Lime' Hydrangea. June 28, 2012.
What's the most refreshing bloom color on a 100°+ summer day?  My vote goes to the huge, cool snowballs of 'Little Lime'™ hardy hydrangea from Proven Winners®. 

I know! I know! I'm obsessed with refreshing lime and refreshed light green garden benches to cool down my garden!

After seven years of waiting for shade, I finally have a spot for hydrangea, my favorite summer shrub. At previous homes, I grew so many different varieties, but here in my small cottage garden, the small sliver of all-day shade requires a small shrub. In late May, while on a plant shopping trip to Big Bloomers in Sanford, I asked for 'Little Lime' and they had it in stock! Fortunately, with deep watering, it is well-established in time for this run of triple-digit heat.

'Little Lime' is not that tiny—the height and spread will be between 36-60 inches. I'm totally okay with a bit of overlap onto my path and through the fence, but since it blooms on new wood, size won't be much of an issue. With a zone rating of 3a-9b, I'm also encouraged by the hardiness since I'm in 7b. My theory is that if a plant can handle at least two zones colder and two zones hotter, then it should be a stellar performer.

In my excitement to show you this hydrangea, I took photos before the shrub is in full bloom. None of the companions are in bloom, but my color scheme is simple—use lime-to-white with blue-lavender-purple flowers.

There's an existing clematis 'Jackmanii' on the right that blooms purple in late spring.

To the left (and not shown because the plants are newly planted and not blooming), I'm using white phlox 'David', white milkweed (asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet') to provide flower form similar to the hydrangea.  The blue mist flowers of hardy ageratum 'Wayside' were transplanted to fill in around the perennials to provide some separation between the lime and white blooms.

In front of the tall phlox and milkweed, I've added purple/blue hardy geranium 'Rozanne' because this combination, with white phlox, is a favorite in another bed in the cottage garden. 'Rozanne' mounds and scrambles as well as provides another leaf shape.

For a bit of foliage filler in front of the blues, the green/white leaves of annual 'polka dot' plant echoe the white theme.

On the outside of the fence, the row of lavender blooming crepe myrtles (probably 'Muskogee') are assisting the weeping willow to provide shade.

What's your favorite color of cool?

Blue-purple geranium 'Rozanne' scrambles up the tall, white Phlox 'David'
in another location in my cottage garden. June 28, 2012.
Hardy ageratum (shown from another garden section)
is to provide filler between the white and blooms of phlox, milkweed
and the lime hydrangea.

A row of three lavender crepe myrtles outside the cottage garden
provide shade for the new hydrangea
(inside the fence and away from the deer). June 28, 2012

Words and photos by Freda Cameron, Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel. All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks, copyrights, or patents owned by those respective companies or persons.

~♥ Kitchen Corner ♥~

I enjoy spending time in my kitchen.  Whenever I was little I spent a lot of time with my Gram in her kitchen.  I'd watch her make pies, helped her cut squares for her quilts, play cards with her or just spend time talking with her.  I wanted a kitchen that was as welcoming as her kitchen was.

I thought I'd share a little corner of my kitchen with you.
I like to keep things handy for my family to snack on.  There's usually something yummy in the cookie jar or on the cake plate.  I love having my Keurig available for a quick Cup O' Joe.  I keep the K-cups handy in the bottom bowl.  Above it are various breakfast bars for when we're on the run in the morning and we don't have time for a good breakfast.  I have started to collect juicers.  I have two on the table that I bought at thrift stores and the green one on the window sill belonged to my Gram.  The school chalkboard was given to me by a friend.  I like to change the message on it using my Chalk Ink markers.   Click Here to Visit the Chalk Ink Website!

Thank you for stopping by...I always enjoy the company.
♥ Kim

My Ornamental Garden Plans

When we first viewd our new home, the garden that accent the front and sides of the house as well as the perimeter of the back yard appeared lush.  When we moved in, we quickly realized thistles were quite problematic in most of the garden beds.  The plantings were ecclectic, and too much.  Once again we resigned ourselves to ripping out the gardens and starting fresh with the look we wanted.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Love Is In The Air

Love is in the air, everywhere you look around.
Love is in the air, in every sight and every sound.

That was Mr. Comforts and my song.  We met 34 years ago and married 33 years ago.  
So this weekend for our anniversary we are taking a little 2 day trip to Blowing Rock, NC.

See you all in a few days.

Garden Benches Refreshed

Many, many years ago at a property that I no longer own, a neighboring farmer teased me when I was painting my old, weathered barn. He said "A little bit of powder, a little bit of paint will make it look like what it ain't."

It was true that the old barn had warped boards and a rusty metal roof. It needed more help than a coat of paint. Fortunately, my metal garden benches were showing only a bit of rust and faded color—easily remedied by a good scrubbing and a coat of fresh paint. After seven years in the garden, I was ready to use some color.

I bought the spray paint, Valspar® Satin Leafy Rise, as my color of choice. It's a pale green that looks so much cooler than the dark bronze of the cottage garden bench or the black of the gravel garden bench. I also painted a rusty metal plant stand and a pot.

I'll have a solid color deck stain mixed to match the benches to use on our two wooden bridges. One wooden bridge is in the cottage garden over the flowing stream and the other is over the dry stream in the gravel garden.

For the last few days and the last cool temperatures of June, we've enjoyed sitting on both benches. With temperatures soaring to above 105°F today and tomorrow, we won't be sitting outside on the benches again soon!

Cottage garden bench was painted from bronze to green.
The willow tree has matured over seven years. I removed a jasmine
from the stone fence column as well as two large shrubs on either side of the bench.
I've been replanting the areas with perennials and will finish the make-over in the fall.

The gravel garden bench was black (and rusty) before being painted.
I'm still using containers that I had on hand, but continue to look
for upgrades that I like (or paint all containers to match).
The lavender plants in the urns have just been trimmed and a
few annuals were added around the juniper.

Words and photos by Freda Cameron, Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel. All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks, copyrights, or patents owned by those respective companies or persons.

My New Square Foot Garden Raised Bed

Yesterday I told you about my new PVC raised gardening boxes in the far top left corner.  At $59.97 each on sale, they certainly were not a cheap way to build raised garden beds especially since between the two I ended up with 16 square feet of growing space.  My husband doesn't like the new PVC beds so he picked up some spruce to build me a wooden raised bed.

The new raised bed is 4' x 12' x

Welcome Friends

 Welcome Friends!
           I am glad you could come because I want to show off our little rose garden today as the roses are at their peek in here.Some of our roses haven't started to bloom yet but these hardy ones are always early.. It is a small enclosed garden at the south of our Gardener's Cottage. If you are new here and would like to see inside the Gardener's Cottage click here and here.
  I see you took your bicycle-it does look pretty.
 Come on in and have a seat.
 The vintage wicher pistachio green chairs are pretty comfortable.
 The roses are climbing high this year.
 My angel adds some charm.
 I love this antique pitcher with a big bouquet and the sweet little birdhouse.
 Have a cup of tea and enjoy a book for awhile.
 It is a cozy little secluded spot-don't you think? This area is surrounded by roses(mostly Therese Bugnet) and a beautybush behind the angel.
 Of all the pictures I took that day(last week) this is one of my favorites. It makes me smile every time.

I have been getting some garden questions lately and one day soon I will do a post on the making of our garden. If anyone has any questions-fire away and I will answer them in the post. We have a few more tours in the next five days and then a break so I will have a little more time then-although I confess it is hard to drag me indoors in summer!

I am joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday.

Take care,

Thursday, June 28, 2012

~♥ Words To Live By ♥~

My instincts haven't let me down yet!

♥ Kim

My PVC Raised Garden Boxes

I use a variety of garden bed styles, preferring raised beds but like in ground beds for flower beds.  Shortly after arriving home from our spring vacation, Home Hardware had 4' x 4' PVC raised garden boxes on sale for $59.97.  As raised beds go, these were expensive but I reasoned the PVC would out live the untreated spruce I normally use for my raised garden beds.  The looked slick and a bit

Aqua Daze

One of my pleasures in summer is eating out in the garden.

    And since I am loving the color aqua lately I have been collecting bits & pieces of aqua when I am out thrifting.
 Last week I found this pretty aqua tablecloth.

 Lemonade is so refreshing on a summer day.

 Pretty vintage aqua plates.
 I love aqua with touches of pink too.
 The pink beautybush is in full glory right now behind the angel watching over us.

 I painted these old wooden chairs aqua.

Hope your daze are going well!

I am joining Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday and Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home.

Thank you for visiting,


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

~♥ It's A Beautiful Day ♥~

I've been enjoying our lovely weather here in Southwestern the 70's and no humidity (though I do hear the humidity will be returning this weekend - I'll be hibernating in the air-conditioning).  I'm hoping to get out this week and pick some raspberries (I did enjoy a handful yesterday - so yummy).


 I thought I'd share this picture of our view with you that my Dear Daughter took the other day...the clouds were amazing to say the least (she captured it perfectly).  Wish you could experience this in do not do it justice.


A little something from the Brave Girl's Club that spoke to me...I wanted to share it with you.

♥ Kim

Special Garden Visitors

 Hello everyone,
         I hope you are enjoying your summer-still can't believe it is already here. We did get some badly needed rain but now the sun is shining again. My computer was being upgraded the last few days so I was missing in action. I am happy to have it back with a lot more space for my pictures and hopefully it will be a little faster as well.
 The peonies are blooming away and I haven't even shown them to you yet! I hope to have time to take some photos today to share.

 I love the combo of the peonies,lady's mantle and magnificum geranium so they have been interspursed around the garden.

 The hardey roses are blooming thoughout the garden.
 Now,for some very special garden visitors- I am very honoured to have had Lauriane and her husband come to visit our home and garden all the way from Brazil.  Some of you may remember that Lauriane sent me some beautiful handmade gifts awhile ago-click here if you would like to see.Anyway,a few weeks ago Lauriane wrote to me that they would like to visit our garden in June and I was amazed and thrilled that someone would travel so far to visit because we had connected through blogging! It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed our time together.
 Lauriane came bearing gifts again-you can image how delighted I was to see this beautiful painting that Lauriane did from a blog photo . I love how she captured every little detail right down to the bracket under the birdhouse that Andrew built.

 Lauriane also made these sweet little hearts for me-she knows my taste so well!
 Thank you so much Lauriane- I will cherish your visit and of course the gifts too forever! We did very well comunicating in spite of a language barrier. You can visit Laurieane at her beautiful blog Atelier Cantihnho  das Artes.
 Before Lauriane's visit we had  five tours in three days and it rained on one of the days so umbrella's came in very handy.
 My husband shot these from an upstairs bedroom.
 And last but not least we had this little pink fairy(Lila) land in our garden one evening!

A small bouquet of peonies-love their fragrance!

Thank you for joining me today 'I have a couple of tours from Japan coming up the end of the week but next week is free so my camera will be put to good use.

Enjoy your day.

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