

Saturday, June 30, 2012

~♥ Kitchen Corner ♥~

I enjoy spending time in my kitchen.  Whenever I was little I spent a lot of time with my Gram in her kitchen.  I'd watch her make pies, helped her cut squares for her quilts, play cards with her or just spend time talking with her.  I wanted a kitchen that was as welcoming as her kitchen was.

I thought I'd share a little corner of my kitchen with you.
I like to keep things handy for my family to snack on.  There's usually something yummy in the cookie jar or on the cake plate.  I love having my Keurig available for a quick Cup O' Joe.  I keep the K-cups handy in the bottom bowl.  Above it are various breakfast bars for when we're on the run in the morning and we don't have time for a good breakfast.  I have started to collect juicers.  I have two on the table that I bought at thrift stores and the green one on the window sill belonged to my Gram.  The school chalkboard was given to me by a friend.  I like to change the message on it using my Chalk Ink markers.   Click Here to Visit the Chalk Ink Website!

Thank you for stopping by...I always enjoy the company.
♥ Kim


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