

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mid week musings.......

Hi, hope your week is going well. I was at the beach for a few days to visit a friend and it was a nice getaway, unexpected, which are often the best kind! The weather was a "10" but today, we are in the throes of a serious heat wave.....about 100 degrees as a heat index and high humidity, only good news is its supposed to break late Friday. I tend to wilt in this kind of weather.
 I mean I love summer, don' t get me wrong but I love 75 -80 degrees, zero humidity, slight breeze in the air topped with a perfect that's my kind of summer weather! A few things to cover today...first I know everyone loves to know which rooms take the top prizes for my weekly Which would you choose. So here's the top four from last weeks, featuring an assortment of gorgeous powder rooms. Happy that my personal faves made it to the top spots! I will show results for this weeks Which would you choose next week......

                                                         1st place with 25 votes

2nd place with 20 votes

3rd place with 16 votes

And tied for 4th place with 14 votes each

I have spoken often about all the perks and wonderful gifts that blogging has brought me, many friendships, knowledge on things that even a top school couldn't possibly provide....really an entire world of possibilities. Its quite a phenomenon when you think about the connections you make on a daily basis with people all around the world that you would otherwise never meet. After the "Teddy ordeal' the outpouring of support from my readers and fellow bloggers was truly just beyond, beyond what any words can fully describe. 

So, I nearly fell off my chair when one of my readers contacted me, who happens to be a painter and wanted to paint Teddy's portrait. She was so touched by what he had gone through and felt inspired to paint him. I was touched far beyond what I can convey on this blog and eagerly awaited the Teddy portrait to arrive. What I guess i wasn't anticipating was what a magnificent work of art I would be receiving. I was floored when I opened the most exquisite dog painting ever! And to boot, it was like I was looking at Teddy in his sweet little eyes, her ability to capture his face, his gentle and curious eyes and funny little expression is not something just any artist could do. So with her permission I am sharing with you this beautiful and treasured work of art as well as the heartfelt letter that accompanied it and you know it brought  tears to my eyes! Best part of this for you, all you pet lovers out there, is that Mary paints on commission! I know after seeing this you will want to have your own faithful companions painted her contact information is at the bottom of the Teddy painting. Ready? Feast your eyes on this........

I couldnt' wait to rip off the wrapping! AMAZING is this!!!!!! I cannot wait to get it framed and its going to go right in our library where we can cherish it always and always. THANK YOU MARY!!  I know many of you will want your own pet masterpiece after seeing this.  

The talented mastermind behind this exquisite oil on canvas is Mary Casey. She does not have a website but does have lots of pictures of her work that she can send you. Mary's email address is

For anyone who missed my temporary living room reveal, you can click here to get all the details how this room came to be and here's a few pictures......

And at night.....

While out in the Hamptons I snapped a few pictures (though few is a relative  that I think speak so well as to what the Hamptons is all about, or at least what I personally love about the Hampton's. Can there ever be too many hydrangeas? I don't think so! So here's a few pics from my little excursion, I always am sure to have my camera close by as there are always so many fabulous "photo ops"!

I always get carried away when taking pictures of beautiful stunning are these!

For about two hours, I experienced true perfection. Ever had a moment in life where you felt like it was "as good as it gets"? Well, this was Nirvana! I walked down the path and for what seemed like miles, I only saw one or two people in sight, just the glistening sea, acres of white sand and me and my chair! The perk was my phone doesn't get reception so no distractions!! It was hot but I was so blessed because on this day, it felt like there was a 50 foot fan blowing and it was really breezy so I had the heat from the sun and a cold breeze on the other side of me......bliss I am telling you!

One man fishing.......
See that house? That's "bad boy Madoffs" old house, new owners have it now and have totally renovated it. Don't know if I could live in a house that belonged to such an evil man!
My little beach chair waiting for me.......

And theres my son and his friend off for a jog, yes, I should have joined them but I was just way too relaxed with my magazines and my chair.....

Ahhhhh....just looking at these pictures makes me feel relaxed all over again. I am my happiest by the beach, this could be because I spent a lot of my childhood in California and Hawaii so I am a "beach girl" at heart. It is always where I feel my most relaxed, happiest and at peace. How about you? Does the beach seduce you too?

So that's about it for to Philadelphia tomorrow for the weekend. So this is it until later Sunday or Monday as I will have limited access to my computer. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! And thank you Mary Casey again!!!!!!!



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