

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Special Garden Visitors

 Hello everyone,
         I hope you are enjoying your summer-still can't believe it is already here. We did get some badly needed rain but now the sun is shining again. My computer was being upgraded the last few days so I was missing in action. I am happy to have it back with a lot more space for my pictures and hopefully it will be a little faster as well.
 The peonies are blooming away and I haven't even shown them to you yet! I hope to have time to take some photos today to share.

 I love the combo of the peonies,lady's mantle and magnificum geranium so they have been interspursed around the garden.

 The hardey roses are blooming thoughout the garden.
 Now,for some very special garden visitors- I am very honoured to have had Lauriane and her husband come to visit our home and garden all the way from Brazil.  Some of you may remember that Lauriane sent me some beautiful handmade gifts awhile ago-click here if you would like to see.Anyway,a few weeks ago Lauriane wrote to me that they would like to visit our garden in June and I was amazed and thrilled that someone would travel so far to visit because we had connected through blogging! It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed our time together.
 Lauriane came bearing gifts again-you can image how delighted I was to see this beautiful painting that Lauriane did from a blog photo . I love how she captured every little detail right down to the bracket under the birdhouse that Andrew built.

 Lauriane also made these sweet little hearts for me-she knows my taste so well!
 Thank you so much Lauriane- I will cherish your visit and of course the gifts too forever! We did very well comunicating in spite of a language barrier. You can visit Laurieane at her beautiful blog Atelier Cantihnho  das Artes.
 Before Lauriane's visit we had  five tours in three days and it rained on one of the days so umbrella's came in very handy.
 My husband shot these from an upstairs bedroom.
 And last but not least we had this little pink fairy(Lila) land in our garden one evening!

A small bouquet of peonies-love their fragrance!

Thank you for joining me today 'I have a couple of tours from Japan coming up the end of the week but next week is free so my camera will be put to good use.

Enjoy your day.



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