

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One word with Sharon from My French Country Home

Told you I would be changing up my banner often, I am in a hydrangea frame of mind lately.....they are like summers poster child!

Also for those of you who asked, the new blue and white ginger jars and oversized bowl are now up on my shop site

Good morning! Well I am down to the last two guests posts for my "One word" series, before I start brainstorming about another series highlighting some of my favorite bloggers.   Its been such a pleasure featuring so many incredibly talented women, and today's guest is no exception. Sharon from My French Country Home is, as many of you know a source of amazing French inspiration, who lives in the most idyllic countryside of France. Visiting her on her blog truly is my guilty pleasure every morning where I get to see beautiful France through her eyes, whether its her horses meandering right outside her front door, or her trips to the local brocante fairs or even simple things like taking a long leisurely walk accompanied by the family pooches through the picturesque fall foliage.

 If you want to get taken away and I do not say taken away lightly,  to the beautiful countryside of France, make no doesn't get better than visiting My French Country Home.
So I was thrilled when Sharon agreed to be my guest today and as I started reading over her post, I got lost in a beautiful, dreamy world of a time gone by,a picturesque place where time really does stand still and where things move a little slower allowing one to savor all of life's simple pleasures. Reading over this was, believe me,  absolute bliss so today I am just  thrilled to share the goodness with you, my dear readers and followers.  Enjoy and thank you Sharon!

I just have to show you few images from Sharon's blog and yes these are all her images taken from her so called "every day life". Guess "every day life" is a relative term, snapshots of mine would include a crazy long Starbucks line of caffeine craving overworked mortals, me sitting in a carpool line, me yelling at some telemarketer for bothering me when I am trying to multitask, waking up running around screaming for everyone to get up when we are running late, sitting in a traffic jam somewhere, here is a glimpse into every day life over at My French Country home. NOW,  do you see what the fuss is all about? Ahhhh, feel my blood pressure lowering already!

On top of this Sharon has so graciously decided to do a giveaway! And let me tell you its a wonderful one! As if her blog is not gift enough.......

Now wipe the drool from your chin, and take a look at what Sharon has to say:)
Sharon, the floor is yours..........

  One quality I love in people is: honesty.

  If my house could only be furnished in one color it would definitely
have to be: pale greige,  so I could layer other colours against it

 One luxury I cannot live without is: space.

 If I had to have one designer decorate my entire house with no input from me it would have to be: my sister, a very gifted interior designer.

  If I had to choose coffee or tea it would be: tea.

  One talent I wish I had is: a cool singing voice.

  I think most people would agree I am: very determined.

-  If I could change one quality about myself it would be to be: better organised.

  One place I would love to revisit: Scotland.   

  One place I am longing to visit is: Buenos Aires.

  One career I could see myself having would be: as an artist

 If food is therapy, when stressed I indulge in:
 French bread and home-made jam.

-  One of my favourite brands for clothing is gerard darel,

-  If my life were a book, the title would be  "She didn’t like to sit still!.

-  My favourite flower is the peony

 I would love to have coffee and a chat session with
this famous person:   Karen Blixen.

  Hollywood is:   a long way away,

  Tuscany or Provence?:   Tuscany to improve my Italian.

 The next presidential election will be:  as unsurprising as the last.

 The one best thing about blogging is:   to have friends on all time zones.

 A guilty pleasure for me is:   a fresh croissant.

 A clothing designer I think that has great style is: Tom Ford.

 My strongest quality would have to be: my resistance.

  The best restaurant I have ever been to was:  without a doubt La Méditarenée in paris.

  Most overrated actor/actress is ...  no, sorry,  I don’t like to say mean things about people.

  If my life were a documentary, I could see this actress playing me:
nathalie baye.

Town or country?  country, country, country, country, country, country....  did I mention I like to live in the country?

 One person I admire: is  a lady near here, in her 80’s who single- 

handedly runs a huge château and beautiful gardens that people
come to see from miles around.

  Pick a decade to live in, any decade: 1870-80.

  My favourite room of my house is: my entrance hall .
  If I were an animal I would be: a dog, they have such a cool life.

   A book I would recommend to everyone would be: West with the Night.

  If I were planning a huge family reunion,  I would want to have it:
here in my garden.

One thing I wish everyone could be more of is: thoughtful.

In one word,  life is: a gift.

Wow Sharon, this was fabulous! Thank you thank you thank you. Where to begin, I love your idea of "therapy", that kind of therapy I could happily engage in on a daily basis:)  Buenos Aires is indeed a very special place, have been a few times and yes to peonies, in all their many colors! And your backyard for a reunion, I cannot imagine a more beautiful place for a family reunion. I would love to meet the chateau keeper in her 80's doing this on her own.....she sounds like one special lady! And last we cannot overestimate the sweet sensation of biting into a fresh croissant or the allure of a room done in greige, can we! Loved this and I know everyone else will too. If you don't know of My French Country Home, then you must head on over now.....and find out what you have been missing, yes its that wonderful! Click here to visit Sharon in paradise. Thanks to everyone for stopping in and to Sharon for allowing us a glimpse into your enchanting life over at My French Country Home.



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