

Sunday, December 4, 2011

One blog and a new fireplace!

Good Sunday afternoon! So happy everyone enjoyed the "Ultimate fairytale part II yesterday" however I do want to clarify, it is just that...a fairytale and no the horse, "Pride" is not my horse, it was my horse in the fairytale. Damn, I really am a convincing story teller if I had a few of you believing it was all real.....maybe I should have just gone with it. :) Oh well.......its fun to imagine, isn't it!

I have to say that I have never in my life found such inspiration in one place as  I have here in blogland. I mean literally on everything from decor, landscaping, recipes galore, how to entertain, architecture, how to set a beautiful table, how to be a happier person, how to help others in need, how to take great pictures, how to make your own boxwood wreath, how to how to how is AMAZING! I am constantly floored and bowed over by the degree of talent, inspiration and ideas that bloggers bring to this special and unique world. It is literally like its own private little school with limitless subjects and best are not graded, there are no mean teachers and no hard chairs to have to endure!

 Today I want to honor all those special bloggers and their blogs,  and we all know how much fun it is to discover a new one, right?  Now this doesn't have to be a brand new blog it could just be a new blog to us. I have discovered a few lately which I am thoroughly enjoying, each for different reasons. So today all I am asking is for each of you to list one blog that you have found or one that you really enjoy, that's it! If you want to even include why you like it or what it is about that blog that makes you go back, that's even better. I cannot wait to hear what you have to say and will certainly take my time and make a point to visit them. Its always wonderful to discover something new, that's what keep us growing, learning, aspiring and achieving! Thank you!!

I will start by leaving a comment and introducing a blog that I have found and love.

A quick peek  at the  the almost finished fireplace on the outside covered porch. Its a love for me......

                                  Can't wait to see which ONE blog you will name!



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