

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Touches in the Family Room

Hello everyone,
     Well,the countdown is certainly on now as Christmas is drawing near. We have enjoyed some Christmas concerts for the little ones,a community concert at our church,a day out with my daughters and a lovely evening visiting with friends. Tomorrow night is the annual gift exchange and supper at our house where each of the little ones receives one gift from a cousin or sibling to start the excitement rolling!
Today,I am continuing the Christmas house tour with a few shots of our family room.

The reading nook that we had built a couple of years ago out of the two closets that were here as at one time this was our bedroom.It also gives extra seating,  when we have a crowd,like tomorrow night!
I flung the doors open so you could get a better look at some of my brown and white transferware dishes-I am sure you know by now that I am a dish addict!

This old cupboard came from Coulson's in Summerside a few years ago and we painted it Victorianna by Ralph Lauren the same as the woodwork.

Above ,is some Christmas decorations from our tree.

Hopefully, you are all enjoying the sights,sounds and aromas of the Christmas season.

I am joining the house in the roses for Show-off your Cottage Monday.


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