

Monday, December 5, 2011

Behind the Teresa from Splendid Sass and H2O!

Hi there! Hope everyone had a super weekend. Ours was really busy and frankly I am very glad its over!! Lots going on this week....  (Please be sure to read the important message about Charity water at the bottom)

Before I begin this wonderful interview.....
I am also offering my "2 cents" on gift giving over at Mon's  wonderful blog, Splendid Willow..... this is a post you will not want to miss! Click here to visit. 

Good morning, today I present to you the last interview (for now)  for my Behind the blogger series. I am going to get this back up and going again after the holidays in a slightly different format, but promise to bring you a "behind the scenes" peek into some of your favorite bloggers. Say hello to........

Teresa of Splendid Sass
 Teresa, a former banker and stockbroker runs the  popular blog, Splendid Sass, it is pure design and decorating heaven with a little sprinkle of foodie goodness (just my style). I know I am promised some seriously beautiful eye candy or a mouth watering recipe when I visit her blog. On top of that, her very sweet and gracious personality is felt throughout every post.  If this isn't enough I was blown away to discover amongst her many attributes, Teresa I will have you know is also quite accomplished in other fields; she has an undergraduate degree in molecular biology and a masters in law on top of playing tennis and doing needlework in her spare time (what spare time)!  And hold onto your hat...I am NOT done! She is working on a masters in visual and liberal arts! How do you do it all Teresa?  You might already be familiar with Splendid Sass and if you are then you will really enjoy this interview and getting to know Teresa a little better. If you are not familiar with her blog, what are you waiting for!! Head on over and see for yourself what all the fuss is about! And give yourself a little extra time because its easy to get swept up in all the pretty!! Hope you enjoy this one on one with Teresa!

Click on Teresa's pretty picture to visit Splendid Sass and thank you Teresa for participating!

So, how did you end up blogging?
I was looking through one of my design magazines and saw the link to Habitually Chic.  I started reading Heather’s blog and the blogs of others and decided to try the blogging thing myself.  Well, two years later, here I am!

A few things I love about fall are....................
Everything.  I love the weather, the clothes, the festivals, and the sports!  

You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house on the beach, will it be Malibu or Nantucket? Well, either would be perfect, but Nantucket would most likely be my first choice. I love the quaintness of this area.

Two weeks first class all the way, is it London or Paris?  Both places are on my list of places to visit, but I would love to go to Paris to see the art, food, and antiques.  I would love to go to the Louvre. 
My daughter speaks French, and has been to Paris, so I think I would invite her to go.

If I were 18 again I would....... eat healthier foods and take better care of my skin.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t change a thing. Life experiences make us who we are, and I am happy with my life and my family.

What would be on your plate for your ultimate dream dinner and dessert?
Filet of beef with a wine reduction, lobster tail, asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes.  For dessert, I would order tiramisu.

Tell us as little or much as you want to about your family?
I have two lovely sisters, and two beautiful children.  My son is married to a beautiful woman, and my daughter is in her fourth year of college. 
I am so proud of them, and can’t wait to be a Grammy one day!

Worst habit? Best trait?
My worst habits are drinking too much coffee and talking too much. 
My best trait is my love for people.  

Favorite design trend?
My favorite design trend is a more neutral palette and the rustic textures.

One golden rule/advice for decorating that you would pass on.
Decorate with the colors, furnishings, art, and keepsakes that are special to you. You home should showcase who you are.

Designer icon....Bobby McAlpine

You get to have lunch with anyone in the entire world, could be from Hollywood, a famous author or playwright, a politician, rock star, a cooking guru, religious leader, anyone…who are the lucky two to sit at your table?   Anderson Cooper.  I love his drive and dedication to his life, family, and career.

A perfect day would start with Croissants, fruit, and coffee on the terrace and end with dinner and wine at a fabulous bistro.

If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why? 
Winter.  It puts a skip in my step, and I love the fresh cold air.  I also love the holiday season, especially Christmas.

Describe your favorite outfit. 
My favorite outfit would be a heavy cotton cable knit sweater with wool pants or jeans and knee high boots.

Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family……
I have always wanted to go to Italy.  The architecture and art is amazing, and the food is perfect!

Favorite movie or book that you could read or watch over and over?  Oh goodness, I guess it would have to be a tossup between You've got Mail or The Holiday! I also love The Great Gatsby.

3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are
Optimistic, dedicated, and driven.

Comedy or dramas?
Definitely comedy!  I am a chick flick kind of girl!  Bring on the laughter and the tears.

A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved....................
Julia Child’s “My Life in France” was a charming book.  I read a lot of textbooks in my MLA program.

In my next life I will be a designer early on.

One thing I absolutely cannot live without and my iPhone.

If I have learned one thing in life, it is.................... Do what you love.  It always takes you to where you should be!

And now a little recap on the all the things Teresa loves!

Loved You've got Mail, its one of those movies, Teresa I could watch over and over, ditto The Great Gatsby!  Anything Julia Child I say a big resounding yes to and please include me when you meet with your buddy Anderson. I am fascinated, intrigued and in awe of your many accomplishments and positive energy. You are a true inspiration! Croissants, Italy and Nantucket, coffee and your IPhone...we are meant to be friends! Do stop on over to visit Teresa over at Splendid Sass. Thank you Teresa for participating and to all of you for stopping in! Wishing you a wonderful day.

Don't forget to also visit me over at Splendid Willow to see what I am enjoying giving as a gift this year!

Last, Lauren from Aspiring Kennedy reached out to a group of bloggers to ask them to spread the word about Charity Water and the Well done campaign.. I was thrilled to do so as I am aware of this fabulous organization and it is with pleasure that I ask you to take a look at this powerful video which shows you how Charity water came to be. It is truly an extraordinary story and one worth the few minutes it will take to watch, I promise you will not regret it!  To think, it  all started with a birthday!!

If you feel moved to donate, please visit the link below. Even one dollar is not too little, every cent makes a difference in this effort to ensure that everyone is given the luxury of clean drinking water. A campaign has started, a challenge has been issued to have each of the 25 blogs raise $250.00 within a month. There is no doubt in my mind that we can do this! I think nothing about grabbing several bottles of clean Poland Spring water every day, taking a shower, brushing my teeth a few times a day,etc.....knowing the water is clean and I am protected. Many do not have this luxury. I hope you will consider joining the fight to ensure clean water for everyone.
Click here to donate and thank you!


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