

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well.....I finally did it! I have caught some of the Christmas spirit and at last, better late than never, I got my tree up, decorated, lit that baby up,  even wrapped the first few honorary presents! It feels good to finally be in the swing of things. I must say it can be incredibly intimidating to come to blogland and see those  who have their garlands hung in November, and have gotten fully bedecked trees up before the Thanksgiving leftovers have gone cold. But as I say its not how you start, its how you finish!

My tree is actually nearly 10 feet but doesn't look it, possibly due to its generous "girth"! Hum....something we have in common this year.
It is nice however to see it starting to look like Christmas at last. I have finally gotten over my initial sadness about not being in the new house for Christmas and though we are in a rental, it is a lovely home and I decided to make the most of it and try to not only get myself in the Christmas spirit but spread it around the house a little too. Still much to do but its a start!  Got my candles burning and my music's whats happening around here!

       (Now bear in mind we are in a rental, making the most of what I have got)

Drove by a neighbors house, its amazing how pretty a simple wreath on an old fence can look
And to be sure the new house doesn't feel left out, added wreaths to either side of the entrance!
Christmas tree all done! Looks short but its actually a 10 footer.
A close up of the gold themed ornaments, tons of angels and cherubs

If you are noticing some price tags you are quite observant. Yes one year I will get around to removing all of (thought I gotten them all, apparently not)!

Love cherubs and angels
And am a sucker for gilded musical instrument ornaments

How about this very bearded Santa!
Love the mercury glass votives and my greenery in urns

Pinecones....never can have enough!
Isn't that cherub bowl beautiful? It was given by a very dear friend long ago
Got a pair of these beautiful ivy and berry wreaths in urns, one for atop the piano and another in the dining room
My first official gifts of the season!
Got my glue gun ready to do battle!

On a small chest in the small dining room.....

Big bowls of pinecones and apples....

Well look at that, even Teddy is getting in the spirit!

Hard to believe its the last full weekend before Christmas! I am going to be busy tying up  loose ends, planning our family party next week and of course wrapping up last minute gifts during this  final week leading up to the "big day"!! Lots to do, but I know it will all get done. Hoping you have a great and restful weekend (if that is possible). We are going to two parties, which I look forward to and Sunday will be back on the errand train all day long. Wishing you joy and peace! Jingle jingle:)



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