

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Guest posting at Style for Living!

Good morning lovelies......I hope I am not the only one feeling like a gerbil on the wheel furiously pedaling but never feeling like I am doing it quite fast enough! I did brave the manic drivers in the parking lots yesterday, and had to avoid seemingly possessed shoppers that used their shopping carts as virtual weapons, it is cut throat out there!! I was nearly run down by a woman with a shopping cart and forget some of the people in their cars, they should not have been on the road!!  Seriously this holiday sometimes brings out the worst in people when its supposed to be all about, love peace, joy  and tolerance! The good news is I did get a lot done and today I am finishing things up in preparation for our family Christmas party tomorrow night!
I wish I could carry a great big sign like this with me every where I go!

Today, I am delighted to announce that  I am guest posting  over at Marianne's blog, Style for Living. I was so happy she asked me to be her guest for her popular and creative A to Z post. Its basically an interview of sorts but in the most creative way! I love Style for Living, because it reflects Marianne's elegant, understated very appealing, effortless and beautiful taste. If you aren't already familiar with her blog, I sure hope you will head over, a visit to blogland for me,  is not complete  without stopping by to visit Marianne! Please come and visit and say here to visit! See you over there and thank you Marianne!

Just in case you missed my "Country Christmas" post yesterday, click here...its worth seeing!



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