

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

women who inspire: lynne bonnell

Where do you find your inspiration?
Everything can inspire...from the diversity of colors and textures at a farmer's market to the unique architecture of the city. I am fortunate to have gifted women in my life who are sources of creative motivation, as well as my daughter, who keeps me honest.

How did you get your start? ("It all started when...")
Born in Brooklyn, I learned I loved to create at an early age. A local park had an "art" program for children, and I found a lifelong love. Knitting by 6, sewing by 8, my interests grew to include basketry, stained glass, woodworking, painting, drawing, drawing some more...

Did you take any classes, etc. for your craft?
I've taken classes for making paper, books, rugs, windows, welding, and just about every other imaginable thing.

What can you not go a single day without?
Seeing my daughter's beautiful face.

What is your tip for success?
Love what you do, perservere, and surround yourself with creative people.

Where is your favorite place in the world? Your dream place?
Autumn in New York. My dream place? An old farm house in upstate NY, along the Hudson, with a huge attic for storage and a barn for a studio. And lots of space for gardening.

Why do you love Phoenix?
For being a large city, Phoenix has a real sense of community. The interweaving of artists and their work adds an intimacy to a geographically urban setting.

Where do you like to shop?
Preferably local shops, the funkier the better. One of my recent favorite's is Michael Todd's Zinnias at Melrose.

Do you have a favorite quote to share?
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion." - Henry David Thoreau

What advice would you give to other women?
Listen to each other, share your ideas, and support the people around you. Women should help other women however we can.

Thank you so, so much to Lynne! Do you like the turquoise pumpkin I picked up while I was at her house? I couldn't help myself...
Don't you absolutely adore these pumpkins? Perhaps, you should stop back by here tomorrow because there's a chance we just might be having a little giveaway involving pumpkins...


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