

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nouvelle Vague

 Last year my friend Patrick Roullier sent me an email with this YOU Tube video, 'Dance with Me'
Intrigued, the song resonated with me but the video remained a mystery  .

France. But was it part of a movie? Staged? Who was the woman, the men? When did this take place, where are they now? Take notice of the decor; tile floor, railings, the men..........swoon

Finally deciding to research and having fun with it, I wanted to share my findings. I would be interested in your thoughts. Were you as intrigued? This beautiful young woman is Anna Karina

And this was a movie clip, 'Bande a part', by the famed French director Jean-Luc Godard, 1964.

Goddard influenced a trend with this film, called Nouvelle Vague, or New Wave. An era of breezy Nova Bosa styled music combined with "youthful frolic and irresponsibility". ( new? a trend?)

And Goddard's favorite was the beautiful Anna, starring in seven of his iconic films

Anna was the new femininity............
"sensual........smoked like a man.........wore fedora's and brandished pistol's.........defining free wheeling nouvelle vague......all while being intellectual"   glad he added the last bit

Anna is currently 80 years old. Here she is at 60.............. the blue eyes still glowing
This CD which includes 'Dance with me' was created in 2005. A touch of French chanteuse and a mix of Bossa Nova with both period songs and 1980's classic's.
This cover would make great wall art

Artist, Patrick Roullier who started me on this mystery and whom you may remember in this post continues to be in demand. In a few weeks he will begin work with one of my interior clients creating a 'Faux Bois' paneling effect in their foyer. Shortly he may be off to L.A. collaborating with a renown designer. Watch for the before and after's.
What is he up to lately? 

Here is an effect just completed for his client. The dark walnut surround is the actual floor, the "runner" is the work of Patrick. I cannot stop staring at this.

But here is his "piece de resistance"! What are you seeing, a square of crocodile leather?  NON!       

Without revealing the technique he just developed..... you are looking at his "sample board".                     NOTE: No animals were used in this creation.

An entire parsons table received this look, can you imagine the possibilities?!


 This Thursday, we hope you can join us! .
Have a great week!


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