

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

a bit going on around here...

Last week found me suddenly and wonderfully in New York City (more on that to come) and I am in a bit of a computer transition, hence the posting has been a wee bit light (or not at all... sorry, Monday). Hopefully, I will get it all together by this afternoon or tomorrow and be back to sharing all the fun and interesting things going on around here (did I mention New York?). One thing I wanted to quickly share was this fantastic picture one of our Willowettes brought into the store last week. It is a photo from the latest Elle magazine of Lauren Bush, the creator of the FEED bag. Oh, and check out what she's holding...

How fantastic is she? Doing good and looking good. She is up there on the list of inspiring women, I must say.
And, speaking of inspiring women, we will be back next Wednesday continuing our little feature on "Women Who Inspire." Hope you are enjoying it.


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