

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Gardener's Cottage

Hello everyone,
We are having record breaking temperatures here on Prince Edward Island. Yesterday it was 30 degrees Celsius and 38 with the humidity factored in. A little too hot for me but in another day or two and it will be cooler so I will be lazy and sip lemonade and read in a shady spot today.
Last night was pretty warm as well so we decided to sleep out in our little garden cottage(above).
It has lots of windows and doors so there was a lovely breeze coming in all night.
I love waking up to the sun shining in-I do miss all the bird sounds of early spring and summer but I did hear the odd crow! The cottage has electricity so I listened to quiet background music.
It is very peaceful .
Delicate lace nightgown and bed jacket
A good place to read(opposite side)
I was treated to breakfast in bed this morning- a lovely way to start the day! I think we should just move out here in the summertime!
A lovely rose to adorn my breakfast tray.
I made some biscuits yesterday and peach preserves a few weeks ago. Homemade peach preserves are my favorite.
The bed reflected in the vanity mirror(yard sale find).
Angels to guard you as you sleep.
I love to see the lace curtains moving in the breeze.
I think this angel fell asleep on the job!
Well, I hope you enjoyed the sleepover in" the gardener's cottage" and it looks so romantic by candlelight I think I will have to share that with you soon too!
Today is Tablescape Thursday at Susan's Between Naps on the Porch so I am joining in.
Thank you for visiting me and hope you enjoy the other lovely tablescapes at Susan's.


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