

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

women who inspire: anne king of dos fannies

Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration comes in many different forms. Fashion, mood, wine... Actually, the item of jewelry itself is a huge part of my inspiration. I look at the piece and imagine the story it may have told once upon a time, and then I re-create that story for someone to love and wear (or create her own story).

Who inspires you?
Women are my inspiration. I think a lot of women (myself included) like the jewelry they wear to tell a story about something in their life that has special meaning for them or just simply represents their individual style and funkiness.

Do you adore any other jewelry artists? Anyone who particularly inspires you?
There are so many amazingly talented women designing jewelry that it’s difficult to have a favorite. I do admire Tara Gasparian’s line; she creates some amazing pieces. Love Heals is also another beautiful jewelry line. And they give back to the community, which is awesome.

How did you get your start?
It all started when I took my love of re-purposing vintage to a local boutique. I was very nervous and not sure how my jewelry would be received; I was selling my creativity and myself and it was tough! But the gods smiled on me and the boutique did very well with my line and now I am trying to create history.

Did you take any classes, etc. for your craft?
I took a couple of basic classes; wire wrapping and pearl knotting. My goal is to learn casting; that would be a fabulous creative outlet for me.

Where did you get your name, Dos Fannies?

The story behind the name......

My best friend, and DF artist, Kimmy has always called me "Annie Fannie". Her middle name is Anne, and she was called "Fannie". So it was written that we should become Dos Fannies.
Since fannie is the polite word for ass, we came up with the logo of the 2 asses (donkeys), hence the birth of Dos
Fannies or 2 Asses whichever is preferred :). We love it and people get a kick out of the story (especially when we tell them we sit on our "asses" and make jewelry).

What can you not go a single day without?
Hearing my husband say “I love you!” and a cup of coffee (in that order).

What is your tip for success?
A great passion for your craft and a decent head for business; the will usually follow.

Where is your favorite place in the world? Your dream place?
That's a tough one because I have a few favorites. My absolute favorite would have to be the beach; any beach as long as I am at the ocean. It's a very calming and serene place to be. My dream place would be a cottage on the beach in Northern California or Oregon.

What is your favorite thing about Phoenix?
My favorite thing about Phoenix is the great hiking. I can drive 5 minutes and have access to incredible trails.

Where do you like to shop?
Nowadays you can usually find me at estate sales, garage sales, antique stores and flea markets.

What is a favorite quote of yours?
"Go confidently in the direction of you dreams! Live the life you've imagined." ~Henry David Thoreau

Do you have any inspirational words to share with other women who long to follow their dream?
You can do anything you want to. If you are passionate about it and follow it with your heart, your dreams will be fulfilled.

Thank you so much, Anne! We absolutely loved seeing your amazing work space and we (of course!) adore your jewelry!

How much do you love Dos Fannies' jewelry? And to know that such an amazing woman is the creative force behind it? Can you believe Anne has held down three jobs for the last several years and still manages to find the time to be creative... and exponentially so! She is soon hoping to go full-time into her jewelry making, so lets all support making her dream come true!

And, don't forget, if you know an inspiring woman you think we should feature, shoot us an email over at


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