

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!


             This is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so I wanted to share some Autumn collages with you before the rush of the holiday sets in.
                        I love hydrangeas as they bloom such a long time are care free and beautiful.

                                                           Garden scenes

                                                            Country views.
                                                             Autumn respite

                                          What is happening now in our garden.

Fall foliage

                                        A pretty daylilly and limelight hydrangea

           Hydrangeas   Unique(top left) Pee Gee (top right) Limelight (bottom left) and Magical Fire(bottom right).
                                                  A beautiful Island sunrise.

An Autumn bouquet for you!
       I have a  tour tomorrow and our traditional family Thanksgiving turkey dinner here for over twenty on Sunday with another tour on Tuesday so I will be absent from my blog for a few days.

                    In the meantime, I am thankful to live in this great land of abundance!

                  I am joining   Show Off Saturday at the The Rose Garden in Malevik.

                                 Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends.

                                        Take care,


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