

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Perfect Day

Yesterday was a perfect day.

The weather was perfect.  The fall colors were perfect.  

I met my friend, "the other Penny" from Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen, downtown Asheville for some antiquing and lunch.  She is heading back to her winter home this weekend, and I won't see her again until next spring.  I am going to miss her!

We had lunch at a wonderful little French restaurant called Bouchon.  The main restaurant is only open for dinner, but they have a creperie that is open for lunch in the courtyard beside their restaurant.

We both chose chicken pesto crepes with arugula and a side order of Pommes Frites.  While dining the leaves were gently falling off the trees and floating down around us.  

Love this metal capped string light that was in the courtyard.  I will be looking for that style when we built our pergola at our new home.

Speaking of home....I took the pictures below on my way to my current rental home, after a day with Penny.  The color has reached it's peak here and the leaves are falling like crazy.

To the left in the picture below, there is actually a road, but you can't see it because it is covered with so many leaves!

At the end of the perfect day, I had to capture the sun setting through the golden leaves from my deck.

Travel safe Penny!  See you next spring.


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