

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A perfect fall day with Debra of Acquired Objects

Good morning...happy to be here with another wonderful blogging friend, Debra of Acquired Objects.  Lucky Debra lives on a beautiful picturesque large piece of property in the idyllic countryside of New Hampshire. She gets to no doubt,  experience fall at its finest as to me, there is no prettier place to celebrate fall than in the pastoral New England landscape.  Debra  has fabulous very refined surprise given her business of dealing with gorgeous antique textiles, throws and pillows. Her company, Oreillers is worth the click over if not to just drool and I do mean drool!

Think Fortuny and luscious 16th, 17th and 18th century textiles...I know I know, lucky lady! She is also a kind hearted, funny, taste maker whose blog Acquired Objects is a favorite to many of us bloggers and with good reason. Whether she is posting on the restoration of her fabulous barn/artists studio or gabbing about a favorite design theme or even posting about the feast she put together for her husbands birthday...... one sure thing is that its worth reading about. I am always fascinated by what Debra has to say. So I was super thrilled that she joined me here today to tell us all about her perfect fall day and it is as perfect as I had suspected it would be! Welcome Debra.......take it away!


One word that comes to mind when I think of fall…… aging! My birthday's in late summer but everyone thinks it's fall since it's the middle of September. 

One of the most wonderful things about fall is.......cooler temperatures so I can wear my big cozy sweaters. Have you ever worn cashmere pants? You should try them I love them!

My favorite fall color is…………sapphire, that rich ocean deep blue.


On a perfect fall day, I would wake up at ………four but then again that's a normal time for me I simply wake up. I love being up early when the world is quiet and I get to watch the day wake up.

To the sound of…………birds and the scent of pine in the air.

The view from my window looks something like this......

The ideal fall weather could be described this and crisp in the morning with warm Indian summer temperatures in the afternoon.

My ideal morning activity would be……….hiking Dylan dog of course! 

This is a fall outfit you might see me in………….

A favorite product (beauty or otherwise) I like to use as the weather gets nippier…………Decleor Aromessence Neroli from Paris. This stuff is amazing and as the temperatures get colder this serum protects my skin from the elements and hydrates my skin.   

For a fall breakfast I would indulge in………French Toast and bacon! 

My favorite daytime activity in the fall is…………Being stuck inside all day is not my thing so getting to enjoy any time outside with Dylan is perfect, when he's upright. 

Here's what's on my plate for lunch.......I keep it very light for lunch since I don't want to get sleepy in the middle of the day. Anything with avocado gets my vote! 

Around 3pm you might find me…………………with my head in the frig looking for one of these for a pick me up! It only has 100 calories so it isn't bad for you.

An afternoon "pick me up" snack might just be........almonds or nuts because I can eat them at my desk.  

For dinner you might find this cooking on the   stove............Anything with pasta. Pasta is great because you can toss in any leftover veggies you may have or simply toss it with garlic, olive oil and parmesan cheese and you have a tasty simple meal.  

The perfect way to end a perfect fall day would be………………With my men in front of a fire with a glass of wine!  

Can you see why I am a fan along with so many others? Love her style, her day is absolute perfection in my mind. And a happy belated birthday to you Debra, my son also shares a September birthday as well.  I am all about cozy sweaters, roaring fires, pasta dinners and hikes in the fabulous foliage must be such a thrill! Lucky Dylan. Being a fellow Starbucks fan..I can attest to the healing powers of  that "energy in a bottle"! Thanks so much for an inside peek into your perfect day, if you want to pop over to Acquired Objects to say hi...please do, click here to visit Debra. Thank you Debra and thanks to all of you for stopping how does this tie in with your perfect day?


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