

Monday, October 29, 2012

A few current obsessions.....

Good morning! I am posting this the day the superstorm Sandy is due to hit our area.  We had wicked winds last night howling for hours and rain that came down intermittently. The worst is yet to come, I have a feeling power/cable will be down by the end of the if I am not around the next day or two, you will know why.  Cannot imagine not being able to come onto my computer and will so miss being connected to blogland  so hoping it doesn't happen!  Thank you to all who have emailed me, you are just too sweet and thoughtful. We have all we need, are well prepared and hopefully this will pass soon. In the meantime here is some seriously gorgeous eye candy for your viewing pleasure. To all my friends and readers who are in Sandy's path, stay safe and may this soon pass with minimal damage and harm!

UPDATE- Thanks to all of your for your concern and kind emails. We are fine, thank God. But Hurricane Sandy, as I am sure you have seen has done quite a number in the tri state area and has devastated some areas beyond description. What we have suffered pales in comparison to many.....just tons of downed trees, loss of power/internet, but our home is safe and sound and so are we and that is what counts! I am writing you from a hotel computer and have limited access but wanted to pop in to update you and say hello and mostly to say thanks for your kindness. Praying for everyone that did not fare as well and hoping for a speedy recovery for all those who lost so much.

This particular post is a bit of anomaly just a fun what the heck kind of post. The things I am posting about today are simple things that I just ADORE......actually let's scratch that and  make that obsessed with. Seriously gorgeous. They don't necessarily fit into a particular post so I made one up to fit them! A few things I am madly in love with that I just had to share....
Wedding and specialty cakes. I just know in my former life (or my next one) I was a famous wedding cake designer to the stars. I am just too taken with them and never ever get tired of looking at them. And lets not even ignore the fact that I love to eat cake too:)  Anyone out there like that too? I fell in love with well, every single cake that Bobette and Belle makes and lets just say its a darn good thing I dont' live near them or I would be a major calker (translation- cake stalker) Anyone out there in Toronto? If so you are in luck!
 Feast your eyes and appetite on these......Click here to visit their website.

Pretty crazy beautiful, don't you think? Have a fave? I don't know that second one, the carousel, the teapot, the wedding cake with the cherry blossoms pretty much blow my socks off. But then again they all in total awe!

Another serious obsession is this Italian line of appliance, Reestart, they kind of leave some of the other competitors in the dust. I mean these are "serious business, no holds barred, no limits, just go for gold" kind of appliances. Glad I found out about them after I ordered all my appliances, and know my husband is too:) They come in six exquisite colors, the brass detailing alone makes me drool. Just incredible, take a look. Have you ever!!!!!!!

Admittedly I am not a huge fan of the Hiltons (Paris more than had her 15 min. of fame) however hats off to Kathy, the matriarch of the family on her new clothing line. It has a very Marchesa-ish feel but is priced really really well. Some of her prettier pieces.....what do you think?

Well, pretty wouldn't you say? Have a fave, I am loving the long black lace number, and the soft white gowns they are so ethereal looking. And that last dress is so pretty too. Nice job Kathy! Here's her website, click here.

Southern Accents  Oh how I miss this magazine, there are no words!! Nothing comes close so I get very excited when I visit my local bookstore and see the Christmas edition! On one hand there are a a lot of recycled photos which generally is somewhat of a no no for magazines however SA redeems itself simply because they are all so breathtakingly beautiful! I highly recommend you get your hands on one, I go over it time and time again lapping up all the scrumptious decorating ideas for the holidays!! Heres a sneak peek....

OK well I can assure you I could easily go on and on, but I will stop here. Just a short and sweet post about some seriously beautiful things. Do I have your attention? What knocks your socks off? Wishing everyone a wonderful day and thanks for stopping in! Again for those of you  in Sandy's path, heed the cautions......its a serious storm, stay safe and talk to you soon!


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