

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mayday Mayday!!!!!!!! And a moving update:)

Parts of this were written a few days ago and I added/updated this morning.

Good morning friends...........

OMG, WHY DIDNT' YOU WARN ME?&%###!!!!!! I am EXHAUSTED after yesterday being my fourth full day of packing.......CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!! I am taking a break and its only 7am! Seriously this is exhausting stuff, I mean really I am not that old, my 40's, I thought that's supposed to be considered.... dare I say, young! Then why am I sooooooooo tired! OK, deep breaths, I told myself I will work until midday,  take a one hour break to futz around on the comp, have lunch, coffee then get back to work. So heres the latest.....

When it rains it pours, right? Literally and figuratively. My husband has been sick, not the regressing little boy who needs attention and wants to pretend he is sick that all men become at the first sniffle....I am talking coughing, more congested than the Midtown tunnel at rush hour, and feeling really lousy. And it was pouring cats and dogs big time on Thursday (original intended day of moving). POURING. So...I am just rolling with the punches as they say, island marble got delivered in the pouring monsoon rain today...big giant monstrous deep breaths being held until that 13 footer got put in its place.

 It practically took a village to carry that behemoth in, I didn't want to be there and left! BUT boy was it worth the wait. Pure love. Yesterday, first small batch of furniture got moved in....yippee!! Another round of heavy cleaning yesterday and part of today and more furniture getting moved in later this afternoon. The point is we are here, we are on the cusp of being home at last. At this point I am pouring myself  another cup of coffee and saying "its all good", going with it, ya know? The good news and silver lining you ask? Well let me tell you.......

See exhibit A, the mounting extra large black garbage bags filled to the brim of what I have no idea, so much junk, excess, baloney, stuff that was taking up cubic feet and air. Why? Good question! But its goodbye and good riddens, so happy to get rid of the stuff that was lurking. There are boxes and boxes and bags and bags of everything all over the place...its almost suffocating! I have tables and tables of plants, and accessories and such all over, it looks like a warehouse or a place closing up shop....which in a way it is. Jealous? I didn't think so! I do however have a very hard time for whatever reason getting rid of my shoes and my bags. Anyone with me?

And the pack up begins........

Boxes and bags everywhere........

Finding a long lost pair of cute flats that happen to work amazingly with my favorite camel bag was super exciting
Everything had to be thrown, literally into one big closet since all the others are being painted

Shoes and bags everywhere!

More bags.......
Starting to get sorted and packed
Tons of accessories all laid out, deciding what to keep and what goes....
Yay, its finally all getting put into boxes!!

Exhibit B. is a little more interesting and depressing. First, you see I thought my niece left her Barbie's clothes at my house then I realized at second glance they were my clothes from clearly another life. All of these got neatly folded packed up and put into a number of bags to be given and dropped off to people who will actually be able to use them. I know I will never be wearing that size 4 silver lame party dress dress ever again:(

Exhibit C. is my absolute favorite because its my "pot at the end of the rainbow", when I come up for air,  that is what I have to look forward to and I can hardly wait. I just keep channeling deep thoughts about what lies ahead and keep repeating to myself "just follow the yellow brick road" (in this case the road from house A. to house B, the new house) and that is what I am doing, mustering all that positive energy towards my light at the end of the tunnel.......

My beloved stove
My gorgeous floors in the kitchen

Finished floors in living room........
And dining......
My beautiful bathroom!
Hubby's gorgeous bathroom.....all done! (except for window treament and knobs)
The first pieces that got delivered for the guest room...a beautiful pair of French nightstands 

Guest bath all done......put the shades on the sconces

This is the hardware, just waiting for rest to come in!

Both sonces in husbands bath..its a love for me!

OK this is where I need to hear some opinions..this is a beautiful chest from the Newport collection from EJ Victor that we were considering using as a vanity for powder room, I think its beautiful but somehow I am feeling a darker simpler wood piece, thoughts? (You know I love to hear from you)!!

Back/kitchen powder room done (except for wallpaper and mirror)

Oldest sons bath 

Oldest sons bedroom getting put in.....he likes a more modern feel and this came from his apt. in NYC, he is in the process of moving to new apt. so will be home for a few months

My chandy got put into the dressing room! Love it..the shades add a lot. Do not pay attention to the "countertop"its a temporary until I decide what to do.

Bath faucet finally got installed!
Completed tub....ready for a bubble bath, waiting for my rock crystal sconces which are backordered until February...worth the wait though!
They will go in that little black spot on the wall, and between them will be mirror

Husbands vanity, except knobs..coming in next week

So there you have it, the before, the during and whats to come in the after. I am really liking the after!

And finally when I do take my much needed coffee breaks (and they are happening often, plus its a great excuse to escape to blogland), I feel like a queen (didn't say I look like one) when I drink out of this wonderful mug....a good friend gave it to me for my birthday and its become my absolute favorite! Isn't it great?

I will be back in touch again sometime next week with updates in between my awesome guest posts coming your way soon. Enjoy your day!

MOST RECENT MOVING UPDATE.....we will continue "the big clean up' until Monday, then finish up odds and ends being done on Tues. and start REALLY moving on Wed, Thurs. and Friday.
So fingers crossed we will be "home" at last on one of those nights! Will keep you posted.

Back to work, wishing you a wonderful and relaxing Sunday....XO Tina


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