

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let's Picnik!

Hello everyone,
    I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We enjoyed a lovely skating party on Friday night with some of our family and it was lots of fun for everyone. The moon was bright and we had a bonfire going with hot chocolate or Chai Tea and cookies. Lots of fun but sadly no pics of our moon light skate.
I have been having some fun playing with the Picnik program that is on Picasa-it is a mostly a free program- however there are a few features that you have to pay for.The photo above is after it was sharpened and brightened a little from the original below and a postage stamp frame was added to liven it up a little-it is a Picnik after all!
This was taken with my old point and shoot Canon sureshot a few years ago.

This photo was sharpened,and a layer added to it with a matte frame.I think it looks much better then the before shot staight out of the camera-don't you?

I didn't show the before on all of these as I didn't want to bore you .I think I should have faded the layer on this one a little more.

I love these little vintage skates! I was especially pleased with how this one turned out after I played with it.I added the first two layers to it(that is the part you have to pay for) and a frame plus some sharpening.
Olivia and I enjoying a Saturday morning skate-it is quickly becoming my favorite winter exercise.Some of our grandchildren enjoyed it so much on Friday night they came back Saturday and Sunday! I love to see their rosy pink cheeks and smiling faces.
Chai tea made with almond milk,honey and spices-add A dollop of whipped cream and you are good to go!It was a nice treat after our skate.

 Well,I am sure many of you are adept at using photoshop etc.but I thought there might be a few more timid souls like myself that are still just learning how to do these fun things that might want to start with an easy program like picnik. I do have a photoshop program but have yet to learn how to add layers on it but that will be my goal for this year. There are so many good tutorials free online to learn how to improve your photographs.Have  you checked out the Pioneer Woman blog there is lots of great information there!

What about you-do you have any helpful sites or info you would like to share?

Thank you for visiting,


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