

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Enchanted guest #11 say hi to Sherry from Design Indulgence!

Hi there, well I am happy to present yet another fabulous guest post from my friend, Sherry of Design Indulgence. Now a little "411" on Sherry......she is an Atlanta based uber talented designer who has been designing for 20 years. She has fabulous taste and a really well trained eye, and her humor is always a welcome treat as she shares with us, her admirers, her day to day decorating and design tales. Did I mention she was rip roaring funny? Yep, my kind of gal.

 I love visiting her blog and she is more than generous about sharing her sources as well as hosting many frequent giveaways! I enjoy her take on her day to day routines because she infuses her charming humor into each and every post and it makes it so much fun to read.  I could not start this post without allowing you a little peek into Sherry's talents. So take a look at what this talented lady has done, and then I present to you her wonderful and highly entertaining post about one of my personal nailed it Sherry!

And here is some of Sherry's my 16 year old would say she's got "mad skills" LOL....

And now Sherry's post...........

Lord I have been sitting at my computer so long my butt is numb.  When Tina asked me a few weeks ago to do a guest post I thought....sure no problem.  But dang I started to think about my flimsy little post with about 5-6 pictures and Tina's with 1,346 pictures and I started to FREAK OUT!!!!

Yesterday I started thinking.  Really thinking.......What the heck am I going to do.  What is my subject.....banging my head against the wall...thump....thump.....thump.....

Then I said "I am not going to worry about this today, after all I still have to tomorrow".  Typical Sherry behavior.  PROCRASTINATOR.  Well tomorrow is today and there has been a lot of this....

You get the point.

The only good thing to come out of this is that I am forced to stay home and actually see a whole load of laundry through to the end.  Wash.....dry....and folded and put away. know I am desperate now :)

But alas.....I started thinking about Tina.....she is classy.  Her house is classy.  DUH.  I think I have heard her mention that she likes Phoebe Howard.  Her designs anyway.


I got it.  Some images of Phoebe's designs from Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles.  Photo credit:  Erica George Dines.  She is pretty awesome.

Let's begin.
This is a local home that she did here in Atlanta.  What do we like about her design style.......


Colors are almost always soothing, and with a touch of blue. 

Graphic and monochromatic.

She does not over accessorize.  Ever.  Never.  Ever.

My bedroom is fairly neutral but it does not look like this.  Where do I go wrong.  Oh yeah....I would have to get a wheel barrel and lug some crap out it.  Not today...I am busy.

Slap.  Me.  Now.  So dang purdy.

Is this perfect?  In 10 years it will still be gorgeous.

Another view of the same room.  I had to do it people.  I need images here!

And....what is not to like.  The chest.  So pretty and then they cut a hole in it.  I would have also, but it might hurt  a little.

I know I would have over accessorized this table.  Love the millwork on the walls.  Hey...where is my trim guy.  Need him here pronto!
I love the shape of this settee.  Just one small little thing.  The stain on the floors is not wowing me.  Just saying......

Some serious perfection.  Conversational.  Elegant.  Blue.  Baby Grand.  Check.

You know what I like?  I think this house flows so nicely.  The colors, the style....Phoebe is always true to herself and her design style.

She doesn't flip flop around with shabby chic...retro....modern.....

It is just plain and simple classic design.  Forever design.

When ever I am looking for great soft neutral paint colors I go to Phoebe's blog.  She has all of her favorites listed.


She has a book coming out in March.

March 1st.  If you pre-order they are offering 20% off AND.......a pocket size paint chart of all of her favorite paint hear that?????

Tina....I hope I get a good grade from your followers.  Big shoes to fill.....but actually I wear a size 9 1/2 [which feels like I might as well wear the box sometimes] so I know my feet are bigger than yours.....and half the population.  When I graduated from high school I wore a size 8.  What is up with that.  My boobs did not get any bigger.

OK...don't know how I got off on shoe size :)

Let me just say thanks to Tina for trusting me to takeover her blog for a day.  Good luck on the move.  I would help but [phew] I am way too far away.


Isnt' she awesome? Sherry I mean. Well, Phoebe too but of course! Now you see why I like tell her yourself how much you enjoyed this post click here to visit her fabulous blog, Design Indulgence. Loved your crinkled paper picture Sherry...very powerful:) If you are interested in checking out her very impressive portfolio of work, click here. Thanks to Sherry or is it Sherika and to all of you for stopping in! Have an enchanting day!



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