

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mainly Teacups

Hello everyone,
           We had another spring like day here today making,causing the weather man to say it is " Junuary" ! That is a bit of a stretch but it is definitely not our usual winter. I don't have any new photos for you today but I thought you might enjoy a few of my favorite teacup collages.

Some of you may have noticed that I seem to have teacup fetish so I think I have enough teacups to have all the ladies on the Island over for tea! Well,that may be another stretch but you get the picture.
   It is one of my sweet daughters birthday today so we are off to help her celebrate. It was definitely a lot colder and snowier the January she was born!

I am honored to be featured on Lauriane's lovely blog check it out here.

Take care,


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