

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Behind the Kathy Sue from Good life of Design!

Good morning! So happy to be here with another fabulous "Behind the blogger" interview. Today we meet Kathy Sue from Good life of Design.
Amongst the many people and blogs I have grown to like and need my "daily fix, Good life of Design is definitely amongst them. Kathy Sue,the blogger extraordinaire behind it always has something interesting, insightful and thought provoking to think about. After starting out working for a designer, she eventually started her own consultation service and continued for 30 successful years! Many of the clients became friends, a testament to the kind of person she is. She met her beloved husband at 16, got married at 19 and has been married for 45 years and going strong! She is blessed with 3 sons, and still resides in the home that each of them grew up in, how idyllic is that?

 She has a true gift for engaging the reader and her subjects run the gamut from household how to's to etiquette to blog design and of course there is always plenty of eye candy featuring decor and design. What I enjoy and take away from her blog is a great and successful mix of  visual treats (translation lots of pretty pictures) combined with a sensibility and often a conversation about what she is posting. She is a kind, intelligent, capable and generous person who I am happy to have discovered. If you don't visit her blog already, I strongly urge you to do so.....I can pretty much assure you, that you too will become a "regular". And be sure to check out her own spectacular home, her stunning rooms are often featured on her blog and are always an inspiration. So lets hear what she has to say...and click on the header below to visit Good life of design!

Thanks Kathy Sue for on header picture below to visit her blog.

So....... what inspired you to start blogging in the first place?
Two years ago I put my master bathroom and kitchen on Rate my Space. To be honest it was the first time I had really done anything on the computer. I was fortunate in that my rooms were very well received over there. I found out as time went by that it could be pretty mean spirited. Luckily I was never a victim of that.I did not even know what a blog was until a couple of ladies that had a blog invited me to visit. That is where the story really begins. Oh my! A whole world of like minded people,Wow!! I joined a group of ladies in a design chat room. We are still friends, and they are the one’s that encouraged me to start a blog. My grown children were also telling me I should. In January of 2010 I started my blog. My DIL set me up, and I knew nothing about the computer, or what I was really doing. I guess the rest is history. I have never looked back and I can not imagine not blogging or having my blog friends!! 
How did you come up with your blog name?
Since my DIL set me up, she and I sat down and made a list of buzz words or phrases that related to my design career. She is the one that came up with the name, and it fits perfectly, because I had a great life in design for over 30 years, and now I am still having a wonderful life partly due to design. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
Do you have a favorite all time movie?
This is a hard one, since I am such a romantic sap. I think I have to say the one that touched my heart the most was, “The Notebook,” When he said to his children, about his wife, “She is my home!” I lost it. After the movie was over, my hubby and I just sat there until the theatre was empty, we got up, looked at each other,embraced, and we both cried. You see, “He is my home!” I told you I am a romantic sap!!

You get to spend a month in the European it Italy or France?
I have been to Italy and would love to go back. I am going to France next year, can I tell you after I get back?

Favorite meal?
I have actually asked people if you could only have one more meal what would it be? I think we all choose some of our favorites. I would have barbecued ribs, it is really the only red meat I like. A huge plate of fresh fruit of all kinds. Roasted asparagus and for dessert brownies with a glass of ice cold milk. Not gourmet by any means but I would be a happy camper.
Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family.
I am pretty private about my family. I don’t usually show pictures of them on my blog. I have been in love with my hubby for 45 years and married and in love for 41 of those years. We have been blessed with three, now grown sons,ages 38,36,34. Two of our son’s are married to gorgeous, wonderful women. We have three of the most amazing,perfect grandchildren. Two grandsons ages, 11 and 7! and a granddaughter age 8.

If you could have any career what would it be?
I had it already, a designer! If I had not been a designer, I would definitely have been a teacher. I was sort of a teacher to my clients, so I guess I got to be exactly what I was meant to be.
Favorite design style?
I definitely have a Traditional bend, but I love a touch of vintage and cottage. Ideally I would have an understated elegant beach cottage, with an ocean view of course!!

You get to have a private dinner with any two people in the world, they can be from the fashion, design world, literary world, Hollywood, politics,etc....your choice. Who are the lucky two? Ralph Lauren and Oprah!

If you could only live in one color what would it be?
This is another hard question for me. I think it might have to be blue, because it is so serene and calming to me.
Favorite season and why?
This is easy, Spring!! Perfect weather, everything in bloom, hope in the air for new things to come. It also shows all of my favorite colors of, Blue, green, yellow and pink!!
Design icon?
I love, love Phoebe Howard. I have made claim to the fact that I would like to be her when I grow up throughout many of my blog post!!
One place you haven't been that you want to visit-
Definitely the East coast, The Hamptons, Cape Cod and Nantucket!!

What's your number one pet peeve?
Rudeness! It is so easy to be polite and pleasant to others, and I think we lack that in our society as a whole. A “Yes, please!” and a “No Thank you,” and how about a simple greeting and eye contact with our fellow human beings? Just the simple courtesies seem to be going on the wayside. 
What are the two best things about blogging?
Actually the two surprises have been the friendships, and how many  like minded people there are out there in the world. I love that!! I also didn’t realize how much I enjoy the writing process, that was a totally surprise to me.

Do you have a favorite saying or quote?
Yes I do!! It is a bible verse:
Romans 8:38-39
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT)
This verse is so powerful to me. It is filled with hope and promise in the love that God has for us. It doesn’t get any better than that to me.

Most overrated trend right now?
I have actually written some post on this very subject. I realize it is totally subjective, but, for me it is:
  • Chevron pattern
  • White chippy paint, not the kind that occurs with time, but the kind that people are trying to duplicate to make look like it is truly old.
  • Gray, enough already.
  • Spray painting everything in sight!!
You are 18 again. What do you do?
I would actually go to college and get a degree in design and business. I think I would get married at 18 instead of 19.

What are your plans for the summer?
No big plans this summer. We  enjoy just being home in our own backyard. Always some fun times when the kiddo’s come to visit. We try to take a lot of day trips to Carmel, Half Moon Bay or Napa Valley. Overall just , “Enjoying the Process of my life.”
In ten years I will be....................
Older, wiser,  hopefully thinner,and better at writing and taking pictures.

If you could live anywhere on earth and money was no object where would you go?
Very easy question for me, Carmel by the sea or Pacific Grove with an ocean view of course!!

Best tip or two for any new bloggers reading this.......
Write about subjects that you are passionate about. Take off the word verification on your comments!!!

Blogging to me is  fun hobby and always an inspiration.
Give me four words that describe your personality.

Just a little recap of all the things that Kathy Sue loves.....
Thank you Kathy Sue! I realized how much we have in common in reading your interview, everything from the places that inspire you to your pet peeves,being a Phoebe Howard fan, to the most over rated trends. On a side note,  dinner with Ralph and Oprah sounds like it could be loads of fun too so count me in for that one! Thank you for participating and wishing everyone a beautiful day!



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