

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tea with a Kindred Spirit

Hello Everyone,
   I hope you had a good week. Here on the Island it is Old Home Week and so there are exciting horse races,the carnival rides and the exhibit of handcrafts,farm animals etc. So, this is one of the busiest weeks all summer for tourism etc. I have to confess that even though I would enjoy the seeing the handicrafts I don't like the crowds so I haven't gone for a few years. Today, was parade day and I missed that too-must be getting old! My 93 year old friend Erna is putting me to shame again as she braves the heat and the crowds every year to take it all in.
  Today I wanted to tell you a little about my friend Linda who cane to visit us last week along with her husband from Newfoundland which involved a flight to Halifax of a couple of hours and then a four hour drive from Halifax to our home.Linda has a blog Beautiful Ideas -aptly named as it has lots of beautiful ideas for inspiration. Linda and I have been emailing back and forth for several weeks now and we quickly realized that we are kindred spirits.We both share a love of gardening,china,decorating, baking and Christmas.It was so lovely to meet Linda and Midge in person. The funny thing is even her hubby and mine had much in common as well. We enjoyed spending time with them on a couple of occasions and the rest of the time Linda was visiting my favorite shops buying all the same things that I love and a few I already had-we had a good chuckle over that!

The cup and saucers above are Linda's from The Coach House antique shop in Victoria by the Sea. It was love at first sight for both of us-I told Linda she was lucky she saw them first.They are so beautiful-don't you agree! Linda came bearing gifts one of which was this specialty tea and the pretty napkins in first pic.
You can see the lacy pattern better here.
We enjoyed some whole wheat scones with whipped cream and lemon curd and peach crumble pie along with our tea after we toured our garden.

Linda also bought this teapot from the same shop- I have two very similar ones! Linda also bought some red toile pillow shams that I had bought last year! I am telling you-two peas in a pod!

This is the lovely Linda herself-I hope you will pop in and say hi to her. you can click on her sidebar to see her most recent posts.Linda has been battling cancer recently and organized a big 'pink days' fundraiser that was very successful and will be an annual event! Good for you Linda for doing such a 'good thing' and touching the lives of many going through a difficult time.

You can probably tell I really loved these teacups!
I am so glad that Linda and Midge are already planning a trip back next Fall as we will look forward to seeing them again for sure!

Now,it is one of our hottest days all summer so I am off to do some porch sitting-where did I put my iced tea!
Bernideen is hosting a tea party at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog- check it out!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.



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