

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Showhouse and you're invited!!!

Good morning everyone! I was again humbled to receive an award from not one but two blogs!!! This has been some week! The first was from Melissah from Scrapbook..... I share her views on living a beautiful life so hope if you don't know of her blog already you will pay her a visit, truly something beautiful and inspirational always! The second one is from Linda of Seaside style, another one of my daily reads. Her emphasis is on everything coastal which is a love for me, she has great style and always find the best pictures of elegant coastal living. In accepting this award we are asked to reveal 7 things about ourselves and then pass it on to 15 other deserving blogs. So here we go..........

1. I would love to write a screenplay/novel by the time I am 50

2. I wish I had had more children, feel too young to almost be an empty nester and am having a harder time with that than I ever thought possible (youngest is 15)  

3. My retirement plan- to retire in Napa Valley with a little pied a terre in Paris and the perfect little beach house at the waters edge in the Hamptons.....that's not asking too much is it?  (Ugh...just realized by my first 3 things I am really making myself sound old! I am in my "mid forties"  and feel like I am 30 just so you

4. That I always feel like I was born in the wrong era, so am not in step with "social media" with it being the current popular means on how to keep in touch, am a stickler for good manners (seems to be extinct), am big on WRITING out thank yous and invites not "eviting or ethanking", love old fashioned beautiful at home dinner parties (I am in the minority) , love holding, smelling a book and feeling its crisp pages and love the old fashioned traditions that sadly seem to be evaporating from our society as a whole.

5.You know those Christmas village displays that make their debut every holiday? I am totally mesmerized by them, I stare at them transfixed, wanting to literally jump into those perfect idyllic settings, all the kids going to the local skating rink, hearing a dinner bell at 5 so they can all run home and sit down AS A FAMILY to a wonderful aromatic home cooked dinner, where the postmaster knows everyone by name, where people only communicate by TALKING, get my drift!

6.I have a long standing fascination/obsession with Mount Everest. Read most books on the subject published in the last 10 years and have seen most movies on it as well. Dont' know why, Lord knows I would not have to guts to do it though I briefly fantasized/toyed with the idea going so far as to talking to expedition outfits, really now.....who was I kidding? Me? The one who can't take an elevator, the one who freaks out when it snows more than 6 inches, wears 4 layers of clothes in 25 degree weather and who cannot go even 3 hours without a major meal!

7. I have a very long (and growing)  bucket list of things I hope to start accomplishing once I move and settle in. Included are writing a screenplay,opening a farm to table restaurant, starting my own design business, have a design idea I want to look into getting patented, having a kid come and stay with us next summer from the Fresh Air Fund, open up a quaint bookstore/cafe/bakery that plays only jazz music and we will have our "jazz nights" where local artists will come in and play display local talent (think the shop from Its complicated) That is just a few amongst a number of other things...things that will keep me busy a very very long time:)

And last to the blogs who I am passing this award onto, I do so because I enjoy your blogs immensely, must make them part of my "daily blog routine" and am always intrigued and captivated by what you have to say. Thanks for doing what you do! There are so many more but these are some that I have been really enjoying as of late, and I so appreciate  the work, effort and creativity you add to your beautiful and highly inspirational daily posts! (click on each to visit....I promise its worth the click)

Now moving on to our GORGEOUS Sunday showhouse, we start in the luxurious countryside of idyllic Virginia and end up in swanky Beverly Hills and Newport Coast California. Three very different homes and settings, but all quite stunning. Which is your favorite?

WARRENTON, VIRGINIA. This absolute incredible, majestic elegant equestrian estate on only 1466 acres in Warrneton, Virginia is the epitome of what "high country" elegance is all about. With an expansive compound including a carriage house, a full equestrian facility, several guest houses, a shooting preserve and so much more, this has it covered! A full home restoration has recently been done and has been placed on the Historical Register. How incredible is this gracious Virginia home! I am ready to move right in.....and never leave!

Love this time worn entrance, so gracious

Beautiful stately staircase graces the front hall
Formal living room

Sitting area off the main foyer
Love the dining elegance personafied!

Charming breakfast room

Love the grand sonte entrance

One of the many charming guest homes

The farm buildings

Another guest house

BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA Moving this newer construction in Beverly Hills, California. This home was built a few years and was inspired by a Tuscan villa.This is not an overly large home and is on an even smaller lot but they used high ceilings to give it a much grander feel, love the dark casing on the many french doors and  casement windows. Despite being on a small piece of property, full advantage was taken of every inch to create their own lush oasis in the back with a beautiful pool and stunning loggia setting complete with outdoor fireplace! They went with a more transitional feel for the decor, see what you think!

Grand entrance.........

This is such a bright and uplifting dining room, love that banquette at the end!
Family room
Elegant living room....think I would have preferred wood here over marble, makes it feel a little cold and sterile
Love this french door in the library
A butlers pantry, love those dark doors
The kitchen
Breakfast area off the kitchen
Has their own elevator
A small gym/workout area
Lower level recreation room, wow a pool room with a chandalier!
Sunken movie theater..quite nice (dont' know about the red suede though)
This is a wonderful area, great for outdoor entertaining, looks so inviting
Back pool area
Rear view of the home

NEWPORT COAST, CALIFORNIA. I rarely feature modern homes in my posts. It does not reflect my personal style yet I have an absolute appreciation for them when done right. I think this very sophisticated home in Newport Beach achieves just that. It has open sunlit soaring spaces, and though it is done with a more minimalist style in mind, it was done with much integrity and  all on a very proper scale. I know some of my readers like this style so thought it would be fun to break it up a little and feature something different. That pool setting is quite amazing!
Very attractive facade which appears to be done in limestone
I like the use of materials and cool color palette

The grand living room
One of the few rooms where they added drapes to soften things up a bit
Probably my least favorite room, feels too cold and sterile for me

Dining room

Sunken TV room/family room
Lower level wine cellar, I like the concrete walls
This hallway is incredible...looks like its leading to a beautiful spa!
Elegant and generously sized master bathroom
Theater, not a fan of black leather or red carpet however

Very large gym
Part of the elaborate backyard pool setting
This rivals many hotel pools!!
The main pool and rear facade

So there you have it! Which is your favorite? Would love to know.  That Virigina compound is calling my name......but each of them offers something to be sure. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!!



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