

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beach Boys!

A few evenings ago we saw the Beach Boys in concert at the Biltmore.  This time we had our picnic in the Italian Garden area of the estate.

The Italian Garden is filled with Koi ponds, lilies and beautiful marble statues.  There are benches scattered through out  and we sat on a bench for our picnic.

As the sun set slowly over the mountain tops, the seats began to fill up.

Then the Beach Boys came on stage and sang and played for two hours straight!

When they played Surfer Girl, Mike Love encouraged all of the audience to get out their cell phones and flip them open and use the lights from the phone the way we used to use Bic lighters....  I took a picture of the crowd behind us with the cell phones waving in the air.

It was a great concert.  I am very fortunate to live 15 minutes from the Biltmore Estate and in these beautiful mountains.
Welcome Home,


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