

Friday, August 10, 2012

End of the week musings.....

Hi there, how are you doing? Boy its hard to believe we are about to enter the second week of August! Scary or what.......when I am being inundated with back to school promotions, saying goodbye to summer sales and a first sighting of fall clothes...I know the end is near:( I have to say as much as I have complained about the oppressive heat and humidity this summer, I would still push a pause button if I could just for a few weeks at least.
 I don't feel like I have even begun to scratch the surface on all the things I like to do! Case in point, I have only had two lobster rolls this summer......something about that is not right! So enjoy and savor these next few weeks......been busy, busy busy here. So as with my usual mid week musings, this is one of those random, anything goes kind of post....ready? And it turned out to be another loooong one, you can't say I didn't warn you............

Have been looking well, let me be honest, no really haven't been "looking" but if something happens to catch my attention for a beautiful antique pair of sconces, then I am by all means looking! We have a spot as you walk in where two sconces need to be hung, see exhibit A.Found these while at Villanova this past weekend, came back to measure and I am thinking the size is just about right. What do you think? They are old and French, could use a good cleaning but I am seeing them with the tiny mini shades.....pretty!
Exhibit A. Blank wall on which sconces are to be hung (see two white boxes)

Also remember my guest room, well pulled the trigger, got the fabric also found a beautiful plaid to go along with it and trim...don't want to waste any time and take full advantage of when I am in a mood to get things's where I am so far!

I love when I get pictures from my readers and think it would be fun to start sharing them on my pretty they are worth sharing! Check these out.....
My very stylish reader, Annette sent me this gorgeous picture of her brand new home in Norway....totally magazine worthy don't you think!

And the reader, Kathy from Life on Lakeshore Drive, who won the garden giveaway, took this picture....looks like an ad! Check out her lovely post and how she used the items here!
And another reader made my summer pasta and sent me this appetizing picture...making me hungry!! Looks so pretty.....

And do my readers know me or do they know me? One of my wonderful readers, Debra from 5th and State,  sent me this and told me she thought of me, how great is this picture!!
WHAT A GREAT SHOT! And man does he have good balance!

Thinking of carrying this line...replicas of vintage monogrammed service, name your initial and you get this gorgeous five place setting, they come in little bags, you can order as many place settings as you it? Give me your feedback!

Can you believe I am STILL waiting on the bathroom sconces? Thomas O Brien if you are reading this......I have been waiting 6 loooong months. Please put me out of my agony and stop making me look at those horrible black holes in my otherwise beautiful bathroom! I do have some Trowbridge prints from my old house thinking of hanging up in there, do you like prints in a bathroom?

Print 1
Print 2

Speaking of bedrooms and finishing up rooms, I am most certainly not ignoring my own. I have it all in my dreams and head and its a matter of bringing it to fruition. My GORGEOUS monogrammed bedding, courtesy of my mom and dad, is awaiting its "coming out party" but I refuse to put it on until I have everything set in place. So back again to look at wall to wall, which i am determined to have, to me its the ultimate in cozy elegance and feels great on the feet. Have had fun playing with fabrics and trims, here is what I am leaning towards so far....

Clarence House has some GORGEOUS trims but they are $$$$

Love this tape....stunning! Imagine on creamy pillows!

This is a snippet of the stunning monogrammed bedding, and 

More beautiful fabrics for a pair of chairs or a bench? Also love the tape.....

And just found this beautiful trim too.....stunning!

This tape is beautiful with this very soft fabric

Attended a baby shower this past weekend.. I love gift giving and gift wrapping, really get into it. So it all started with a beautiful baby's first china set and first enameled bracelet for a newborn (all wrapped up wish you could see it).....

Then added a cozy sweet blanket........

And a plush cute little pink elephant......

   And a fun and useful girly basket, could be great as a hamper or to store diapers, many uses!

And some precious little rattle socks...yep, they shake when the baby moves her feet!
And of course a cute little girl stuffed animal.....

And then you put it all together with a bunch of tissue.......

                                    And have a wonderful gift basket full of pink goodies!

I am admittedly a stationary hound, I love it, I should actually really be in the business for how much I love it, truth be told. But it would be bad on two I would go broke buying stationary for no reason, and second I would feel obligated to throw parties so I could order it in the first place and clearly that could get me into trouble:) So instead I admire from afar and occasionally when I really do need something, I indulge. One company worth indulging in is a recent find....Lobird. How great are these cards!! Click here to visit.

You KNOW I am loving this one!!!!!!

You know that feeling when you get all excited over discovering a new blog?  I need a new blog to obsess over like I need another 100 degree day :) Well I got a bit sidetracked and stayed on this blog, One to wed,  for over an hour, just pouring, devouring and lapping up every single beautiful picture. I have always had "a thing" for wedding sites, planners, locations, dresses, cakes, you name it..I love it all! Well this girl has superb taste and seriously if I had a wedding blog,I think it would look quite like hers. Here's some pictures I found over here to visit One to Wed. Warning you WILL have to go back:)

Love winning anything and was very touched to have been awarded the versatile blogging award from Missi over at Havoc to Heaven. She is a real sweetheart and her post on accepting the award was so much fun to read, click here to visit. Thank you Missi for passing this onto me. As far as awarding it, I honestly want to award it to every blogger out there.....seriously because blogging is a lot of work, albeit its fun and the ultimate creative outlet. But at the end of the day it means giving up time to do other things in order to share with all of you here. There are just too many fabulous dedicated, deserving bloggers for me to narrow it down so this is for every single rock!

Part of accepting the award is also revealing 7 things about me that you wouldn't necessarily here it goes. Not terribly exciting but tried to come up with random facts that I have not revealed before!

1. I used to ride/show horses from about 13 to 18 and LOVED it, it was seriously my life. I lived, ate and breathed anything and everything having to do with my horse, riding and my stable buddies.Definitely the fondest memories from my childhood.

2. I cry over Disney commercials, Johnson and Johnson and anything having to do with cute, little chubby kids.....yep, it makes me incredibly nostalgic for my little cherubs and being able to hold them and squeeze them and mostly just being wanted by them 24/7!Now I get grunts:)

3. That I got married at the ripe old age of 21......and at 47 am only two years away from being an empty nester...scary, its going to be a sad day in the universe when that happens and I cannot bear to think about it. I love being a mom.

4. That I would love to write a screenplay one day and make it a reality, even have half of one written which I really truly believe could be a hit. Really enjoy the writing/creative process and its high up on my bucket list. Dont' we all?

5.That I used to be obsessed with all things Hello Kitty, well actually still find them pretty cute:)And still have a brush from when I was 18, that still does the trick on my senstive head!

6. That I am severely claustrophobic, and am a bit of a germaphob. Its really not such a great thing to have and its somewhat gotten worse as I have gotten older and has even had an effect on my kids and hubby, who look at things like hotel bed comforters and dirty glasses in restaurants as though they are lethal. 

7. That one of my all time favorite movies is The English Patient and absolutely anything Nancy Meyers has produced. Just watched Its Complicated last night..never gets old.

So that's my random musings post for this week! This post got longer than I originally had planned...oh well you know I can get carried away on these random musings! Hope alls well on your end, that you are having a wonderful week and surviving the heat and humidity. Seriously I am over the humidity, did you hear it....the hottest summer on record! No surprise. Stay cool!


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