

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A perfect summer day with Beth and Kristy of Design Chic

Good morning everyone! I am excited to be here with another one of my absolute faves....the talented mother/daughter duo, Kristy and Beth from Design Chic. I  know many of you know and follow them religiously as I do but for those who don't, its a must visit and I assure you will want to make it a daily habit. They combine the perfect worlds of beautiful interiors, architecture and fashion and I know I am in for a serious visual feast anytime I visit.
Plus they are two uber classy stylish ladies...and its an honor to have them here today. They also got me dreaming big time about a perfect summer day with this amazing post. I am so enjoying all these amazing takes on what a perfect summer day is....thanks girls for coming by and sharing! Enough of my talking, lets welcome Design Chic and take a look at what a perfect summer day means to them.........

Thanks so much, Tina, for including us in this fun guest post! We loved thinking about our perfect summer day almost as much as we love your gorgeous blog!

My perfect summer day would start at this time of the morning (or afternoon).....
6:30 a.m. because we want to be early risers who start our day with activities like these:

The bedroom I wake up in would look something like this......

And my bathroom like this.......


A favorite beauty product I love to use during the summer........
Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream. It's lightly tinted and smells yummy.

And this is an ideal summer outfit that you might find me frolicking in.......

My view from my bedroom in the summer looks like this......

And of course this perfect summer day is located in...........
Beaufort, NC!

For breakfast I would indulge in........

After I am showered, fed and revved up to start my day, I will.......
Followed by:

For lunch this is my absolute favorite summertime meal......
BLT's on the beach!

Or maybe a picnic on a picnic boat!

An afternoon snack might comprise of........
Freshly baked kale chips. So yummy!

My afternoon activity would be.........
You can't stay in the sun all day... A little shopping makes good sense.

The ideal summer drink is........
Mint juleps, please!

This is what would be served for my ideal summer dinner......
Blackened mahi--caught that morning by my hubby--with cilantro lime quinoa.

And where I eat it might look like this................

A perfect summer ending to a perfect summer day would end..........
Cocktails and a bonfire on the beach with all of my friends!

The best part of my summer day is...........
Slipping in between cold sheets, after a warm bath, in a quiet house, with that good, sun-and-sand tired feeling and curling up with a good book!

Oh boy.....every one of senses is on fire! I want to be taken to this summer day N O W!!!!!!!! Could it get any better? From start to finish this is indeed a perfect summer day. And that house you have dreamt up? Something tells me your new beach house won't be too far off. Perfect! Love the outfit, all the food though I might have to replace the kale chips with salt and vinegar chips by Cape Cod but am a willing sport so will give them a shot. And the way you chose to end this day is dreamy to me, cool sheets, a great book, and feeling sun kissed....truly doesn't get better!! Kristy and Beth, thank you for letting me dream along with sure everyone else will agree you hit it out of the park! Thank you for coming along and sharing your perfect summer day. Want to hear and see more from this talented duo? Click here to visit one of my favorite blogs of all.....Design Chic!
Wishing everyone a fabulous summer day, just wish it wasn't flying by quite so fast!


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