

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Day Trip and Barely a Bear

The other day I visited our local Arboretum.  I love going there, because I can get wonderful gardening ideas.

How fun would it be to have a moss roof on your garden shed?

We were there early in the morning and the dew was still on this spider web, sparkling like diamonds.

The setting is just beautiful, as you can see from the picture above.  The mountains are peaking out behind one of their smaller greenhouses.

The main reason I went to the Arboretum this time was to view their amazing Bonsai exhibit.

Now for the "Barely A Bear" part of this post.  A few of you have asked if I have seen any more bears.  Yes, I have.  In fact this cute teeny, about the size of a beagle, baby bear decided he wanted to drink the water in the bird bath in our side yard.

Now this birdbath is a standard size, about 2 feet wide, so you can see how tiny he really was.

I took this pictures from our front deck in a hurry.  Mr. Comforts watched my back, as we were thinking that the mommy bear would be near by.  She never showed herself and the baby bear hopped down after a few minutes and walked back into the woods.

On another note, for those of you who requested it, I now have a Linky Follower on my From Harvest To Table blog, so you can follow me there too.  I posted a new recipe today that was delicious!


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