

Friday, June 29, 2012

Welcome Friends

 Welcome Friends!
           I am glad you could come because I want to show off our little rose garden today as the roses are at their peek in here.Some of our roses haven't started to bloom yet but these hardy ones are always early.. It is a small enclosed garden at the south of our Gardener's Cottage. If you are new here and would like to see inside the Gardener's Cottage click here and here.
  I see you took your bicycle-it does look pretty.
 Come on in and have a seat.
 The vintage wicher pistachio green chairs are pretty comfortable.
 The roses are climbing high this year.
 My angel adds some charm.
 I love this antique pitcher with a big bouquet and the sweet little birdhouse.
 Have a cup of tea and enjoy a book for awhile.
 It is a cozy little secluded spot-don't you think? This area is surrounded by roses(mostly Therese Bugnet) and a beautybush behind the angel.
 Of all the pictures I took that day(last week) this is one of my favorites. It makes me smile every time.

I have been getting some garden questions lately and one day soon I will do a post on the making of our garden. If anyone has any questions-fire away and I will answer them in the post. We have a few more tours in the next five days and then a break so I will have a little more time then-although I confess it is hard to drag me indoors in summer!

I am joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday.

Take care,


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