

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mid week musings.....

OK today  is a little bit of this and a bit of that, more of that randomness that I seem to be better and better at posting! How much fun was Sharon's "One word" post yesterday?  Her blog is like a super mini vacation every single morning! If you missed it, you must check it out, click here. Its one of those, "you cannot miss" posts!

On the home front the most exiting thing happening lately is that landscaping has begun! VERY exciting and I nearly forgot the power and transformative qualities of watching a yard come to life! We are very excited, and it wasn't until I was looking at some of my before pictures that I realized, yes it was needed! This is a very labor intensive, very expensive process so we are doing it in multiple stages. Right now focusing on the front and the patios, then theres a whole looooong laundry list of other areas. But its one step at a time, in any case below are some of the "in the process" pictures, thought you might enjoy them. By next week I hope to have pictures of a newly finished front with the exception of a few odds and ends we are waiting on.

Thankfully Teddy is on guard, watching their every move:)

These planters are "trials" but I think they are going....pretty but not exactly what I have in mind.

Promise to show you pictures in a day or two when the front is done!

The decorating is going slowly, admittedly its no one's fault but my own. I have the best of intentions and know exactly what I want but its soooo time consuming! I am determined to make this month of June a month where I get things on order, we finally finalized a living room layout and now I am just starting to fabric shop. I have decided on one sofa, woo hoo! Keeping the pair of French chests from my old house and basically am looking for a few upholstered pieces, mirrors, tables, chairs, etc......I know it will all come togehter and it will be so exciting when it does. You know i will keep you informed! 
The pair of chests I am keeping (along with the blue and white of course)

We have this magnificent chest from our old house, bought in France and we are figuring out where to use it. As many walls as we have so many of them are filled with windows, door openings or French doors that we are running out of wall space. My husband wants to convert it to the ultimate bath vanity for the powder room but I am torn, its such an incredible piece of furniture and I am just not sure. What do you think?  You have to visualize with the mirror above, the honey onyx countertop and sink......thanks as always for your input.

                     I put an orchid in my pretty cherub dish, think it looks quite pretty!

Took this wiht my phone and a different setting, isn't it so pretty and soft?

For the powder room off the kitchen, the one that we all use there's a beautiful large window in there. Still nothing on it, which makes for some interesting peeping if one was so inclined:) I think I am going with one of the original paper choices and I love checks, gingham, am going to go with this yellow and white/gray check in a silk/linen and will finish it with a pretty soft gray tassel fringe to give it a little pizazz. Thoughts?

Narrowing down choices for my hubs bath, another large window in desperate need of some modesty. We have decided on going with a solid neutral linen and jazzing it up with a decorative tape. I silll like the original quite a lot but here are some other contenders......

The three I like best.....

Store biz......for anyone who was interested in the small round dough bowls, I just got 2 in (approx. 13") This size is very hard to get. They are online now. I also added the three beautiful new blue and white porcelain pieces to my store, shown below. Last I have one squirrel bowl left, its such a fabulous item, can't say how much I love it!

 Remember the vendor whose things I featured last week, that everyone loved? Well they were almost all bought up within a few days, I am meeting with them again today to place an order for later summer/early fall but they are allowing me to buy some more samples, so I will show "my loot"in a day or two and they will son be added to the shop. For anyone who missed out as I had only one of each, chances are I might be getting another one or two of each item, will keep you posted, be on the lookout tomorrow!

A large 15" round bowl

Beautiful octagonal ginger jar 16" tall

Love the shape 16" tall

Wishing everyone an enchanted day! Thanks for stopping in.


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