

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer "Garden" and The Winner of The Giveaway

My little "garden" in my container tubs is doing quite well.  The lettuce was very productive, but due to the heat, it started to bolt, so I pulled it and replaced it with ever bearing strawberry plants that are meant for containers.

The tomato plant is really rocking!  Look how tall it is.

And it has tons of tomatoes on it.  Looking forward to picking them sometime towards the middle of July.

Thank you all for your nice comments about my 6 years and 1000 followers post.  64 of the 1000 followers left comments and of those I used a Random Generator to choose the winner.  Drum roll please..............

The winner is 

Number 41!  That is Sam from My Carolina Kitchen.  Congrats Sam!  Ann from Sutton Place Designs will be contacting you shortly.

Again, I wanted to thank all of you for hanging in here over the years.  Let's shoot for 6 more OK?
Welcome Home,


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