

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Sunday and highlights from an early morning walk.

Hi there. Well, my day yesterday did not turn out exactly as I would have hoped, ended up getting a migraine which became full blown by around 4 or 5 and off to bed I went after taking my medication which totally zonked me out. I slept until this morning....missing the party, my husband and oldest son went however. I woke up definitely feeling better, THANKFULLY, I would say about 90% which I will happily take and decided on an early morning walk with my faithful companion, Teddy in tow to lead the way. It was an overcast morning but that didn't stop me from taking some pictures of things just starting to bloom and enjoying being headache free and out and about to enjoy all the pretty nature ushering in a new season, confused as it might be! So here are a few highlights......

The "master" meditating!
Deciding if he up for a walk or not......
Cherry blossoms a little confused, just started blooming (no worries electrical boxes soon to be covered)

Part of the old these old planters and pedestals
Gorgeous daffodils still going strong.....

The old pond which we will restore at some point

Even love the old benches.....just as they are

And the old fountain

Teddy on the prowl....
We have many stashes of wood for next winter, used almost none this winter with the mild temps!
A hook mark from a deer......

Such a handsome little devil!

I have a thing for moss covered anything.......

Stubborn Teddy telling me hes ready to go inside and lounge...his morning nap is long overdue!

A final few minutes of meditation.....

And a few thank you's to my blogging friends for current posts about my products and my online store! Thank you all so very much, means a lot....stop by and visit them if you have a minute! (click on header to visit)

Hoping everyone has a relaxing and wonderful Sunday!



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