

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

By Invitation Only.....Springs rebirth

Hi there! So happy to be here for our monthly "By Invitation only" post where a very special group of bloggers get together to present our  interpretation on a mutually agreed upon theme for a particular month. This month its all about spring, a new season, new beginnings and a  reawakening.  What does spring mean to us? Well to me, its a time of rebirth, a time of renewal, a time to open the windows both literally and figuratively. The warm air is knocking on our door, the blooms are bursting and everything feels new again..........
When I think of spring my mind branches off in so many directions, I think of new beginnings, a beautiful season brimming with hope, bright skies, flowers in bloom everywhere you look, watching winters bare limbs come to life with lush green leaves, new life taking shape. Spring is such a beautiful is impossible to contain it to just a few ways. So to try to capture my thoughts I decided to do an "ABC's" on what spring is to me, without further adieu here we go.....

                                      A is for  April showers

 B is for Bunnies, especially cute ones that fit into darling little tea cups for two!

              C is for cool,crisp flawless skies

D is for daffodils...gotta love their vivid yellow colors and perky blooms, they are like the poster child of spring!

E is for Easter eggs, what is spring without them!

                    F is for forsythia and their explosive     color             

G is for gardening because if you ever want to feel like a green thumb, this is the time!

H is for hydrangea, another one of my most favorite flowers, of all love love them for their heavenly blooms as much as I do for their staying power

I is for investing in a few wonderful new pieces of springs finery in bright fun colors!

J is for Jasmine whose intoxciating scent reeks of spring!

K is for knowing when to take a break just because you deserve it!

L is for lillies, one of springs many beautiful flowers

M is for misty mornings, I cherish my morning walks with Teddy, my faithful walking companion and there is nothing as beautiful as a misty morning in the spring

N is for the nests resting in the trees ready to bring new life in a new season

O is for orchids because lets face it they are spectacular during any season!

P is for Parties....spring is a perfect time to throw a party. Even a small get together for friends or family
Q is for quiet, I love the quiet and  peace that spring brings, when things stand still a little longer

R is for is their season afterall!

S is for sunshine, does it shine any brighter than during spring?

T is for  Tulips....gotta love them and I do in all their many colors!

U is for Umbrellas because we all know rain and spring go together like singing in the rain and Gene Kelly!

V is for Vases....something I have plenty of on hand during the spring to take full advantage of all of natures bounty ready to be displayed!

W is for Wisteria, yet another gift from nature that is just jaw dropping gorgeous!

X is for Xpresso al fresco  (come on just let me spell it this way)

Y is for Yellow...a color I think of as springs poster color it is happy, uplifting and oh so cheery!

Z is for  Zoo, because seriously what better season to visit one than when everything is in bloom and the animals eagerly await a visit?

So that wraps up just some of what I love about spring. I am sure I could easily go on and on, its such a glorious and majestic season. One that inspires us to fling open the windows, let the rush of fresh air fill us with renewed vigor and hope, clean our homes and fill them with the scent of freshly cut flowers, and mark the new season as time to start anew. I know for me its a time to reflect on what I am grateful for, what I hope to achieve and what I hope to be. Cheers to a magnificent spring to each and every one of you!

Want to see are more links to the others in this wonderful group of talented bloggers!

TISH JETT an American in France 
COTY FARQUHAR in Australia
FIFI FLOWERS artist with Parisian flair 
DEBORAH PETERSON between Houston & Scotland
DUSTJACKET ATTIC, Debra in Australia
VICKI ARCHER an Australian in France
LISA USA not participating this month
FRANCINE GARDNER a woman of the world in NYC blog
KAREN MALAN UK Pas Grand-Chose Blog http://athousandmiles-k.blogspot



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