

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A thankful Thursday...........and updates on Teddy and my store.

Good morning! I am thankful this Thursday. Thankful that Teddy is doing better and is home where he belongs.  It is nice that things are slowly starting to get back to normal. Teddy is doing well, we are lavishing  him with lots of attention and love. He is doing great all things considered and enjoys his daily visits from family and friends. The love is truly heart warming  and I cannot tell you how great it is to have him here.  I promise I will take some pictures of Teddy in action once he is "camera ready" the rate he is going, I bet it will be sooner than later. Many thanks for the emails and comments that continue to pour in on his behalf:) Many of you have asked about whats going on in the "back end" about those dogs that attacked him. We have a court date but there is a possibility that something could happen sooner. I am frankly not at all comfortable for my sake, Teddy's sake or any of our neighbors sake knowing those dogs are here. They have proven what they can and will do...and its been at the expense of a really traumatic event for us but even worse, the loss of a dog for another family. So this continues and I will keep you posted as things happen.......moving on!

With all the chaos surrounding Teddy's unfortunate ordeal, my online store's one month anniversary slipped by a few days ago, but no time like the present to celebrate. I am offering a wonderful giveaway to celebrate my store's one month anniversary! All details at the bottom of this post.  I was chomping at the bit to get back to it and refresh, add and update the store. Many of you have asked about my getting more blue and white...well your wish is my command and I am thrilled to have added the following items to my site!!

Say hello to the newcomers............

22"tall ginger jar, perfect as a pair or as part of staggered grouping

And am getting a few pieces from this fabulous ultra luxe pattern, the beige and gold!!

Got just two pieces of this extraordinary planter, the colors are just magnificent!

And how great is this little tray...was always looking for a small tray for my husbands closet where he can put his phone, change, watch,etc.....and I have a "thing" for crests so this was perfect, also adding to my online part is NEVER needs polishing!!!! That makes these pieces priceless in my book:)

In addition, the European Kitchen line which is extremely popular has just been restocked. I was out of stock on the bread boards and Spanish olive trays and dough bowls...happy to say these items are back in stock!

The trivets and Spanish olive boards are amazing for every day use and entertaining

These look great with  a nice wedge of cheese, crackers and grapes........

Love the great is the Bavarian bread board too?

        Tried to add a few pretty "spring-y" touches to the guest room for my parents..........I like my guests to feel like they are staying in an elegant pristine boutique hotel.

Part of starting a new business is learning the ebbs and flowers of how it works, and of course grappling with the inevitable learning curve. I did and do my best to keep things at a very reasonable price, with a smaller profit margin to make the deals even sweeter. Anyone who considers themselves a savvy shopper who knows high end home furnishings will certainly recognize the discount I provide.  However two of my vendors have recently imposed a price increase which means I have to do the same. It won't be anything crazy and I am going to keep the prices status quo for the next two weeks to be fair, however the pillows and some of the porcelains are going to be going up approx 10-12%. (this line of pillows even with the price increase is still 30% below retail)!!

You know I greatly value your opinion and much of whats in my store is a reflection of hearing what you all love, what you wanted to see and what you had a hard time finding. One other line I am considering carrying make truly heirloom quality wood and pewter pieces, their things are out of this world beautiful. I would offer an approx. 25-30% discount off of full retail. What are your thoughts on the following items?

Adore these pewter salt and pepper shakers!!!!

I own this tray and it is outrageously beautiful for every season!

How great are these Equestrian themed napkin rings!

I couldnt' resist this one......loooove it!

Always  a sucker for birds anything....a pair of pewter birds, love it.
Love this pewter and antler handled soup tureen

Loving this pewter and antler parlor tray
One of the "Rolls Royces" of the line...this incredibly beautiful carving board measures a whopping 33" long but they do have some smaller sizes too
Too cute squirrel nut bowl...adorable!
Gotta get this topiary salt and pepper.
Flower and bees cheese ready!
You know I LOVE anything with this sauce bowl
And this lovely pair of pheasants waiting to grace a dining table.....

So............what do you think? Are you as in love with this line as I am?

And finally a thank you and shout out to my lovely friend, Michele from Hello Lovely. Her blog is like a gift waiting in my mailbox every morning. Talk about someone who is a salt of the earth kind of girl, someone who knows how to keep it real and has a beautiful eye for all things lovely! She is amazingly sweet, someone I feel a connection with, a wonderful writer who knows how to captivate and above else a truly kindred spirit. She sent me a "care package" with such gorgeous bling, I nearly fainted!! After the harrowing week I had, this was a sight for sore and exhausted eyes and kind of like the ultimate "pick me up"!! She buys for her store with nothing but love and passion, and it shows. Her beautiful vintage finds are extraordinarly well priced (major perk) and I think you will love what you here to visit her Etsy shop. Thank you Michele, will think of you every time these are worn:)
The three wonderful items sent to me............adore them!
LOVE this darling spoon pin with mother of channels my inner Julia Child and since I love to cook, this is perfect!

A girl needs some beautiful and showstopping is this gorgeous rhinestone bracelet! I adore this, it channels my inner Hollywood

This lovely leaf pin is also a beauty, classic and elegant, can see wearing this with many things and this channels my more conservative, classic style.

Bravo Michele!

Now whats a celebration of a special milestone without a giveaway!! So today I am giving away one of my best selling items, I have sold so many of these wonderful beautiful old world trays....perfect for a vanity, bathroom, a bar or to use for entertaining, this fabulous filigree silver NEVER WILL TARNISH OR NEED POLISHING (that makes it priceless). I love this one and own one myself,  the etching alone makes it a must have! All you need to do is visit my store, come back here and tell me an item or two that's your absolute favorite, that's it! If you want a second chance, then leave me a comment on Facebook, click here to visit The Enchanted Home's page on Facebook. I will announce a winner on Saturday morning. Friday night is the deadline to be eligible.

Click here to visit my store.........

A number of people have asked me what my best selling items are. So I had fun thinking about this question and took it a step further and made a mosaic of some of my best sellers, the neat thing is that every category has been very well received, so that's very validating. I have some other really exciting things in the near future in addition to what's above and if there is something  in particular you would like to see....let me know!

Phew.....sensation overload? Sorry I do get excited and carried away when I am looking at and dealing with home accessories!! Can never get enough and its great to be concentrating on something beautiful that makes me happy.....thanks for your support and feedback! Hope you have a wonderful day.



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