

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sensational Segreto and a wonderful giveaway!!

Good morning! Hope everyone is well. Before you read this post, a warning..... you might never look at white walls the same!! Segreto is the name to know when it comes to beautiful finishes for walls, cabinets, ceilings and such. Leslie Sinclair and her staff of 25 artisans bring life and beauty to bare walls and cabinets like no one else! When I was asked to review the brand new book, "Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors",  I was so incredibly excited. Why? Well, because I knew of Segreto's work and was a definite admirer. I just knew this was going to be good!  I recently found out that they had a book but hadn't gotten around to getting it yet, so I was thrilled when they sent me one! I have been asked about reviewing other books and don't always connect with them as much as I would like to,  and cannot in good faith go out and gush about it if I don't really really love it. Well, suffice to say this book is very deserving of the gushing and warrants its very own post on their exquisite body of work. Segreto, a full service company who does the most beautiful finishing of all kinds including faux painting and murals, is  based in Texas but they travel across the U.S.

Their visions are truly spectacular. I had a ball pouring through every luscious page, something for everyone. You know those books that feature a few amazing pictures then the rest is a let down? Well this just keeps on giving with every turn of the page. Its that good. So today, I am doing two things. Introducing you to their work, and some of these pictures are brand new so even for those of you who are already fans, you possibly haven't seen them. Leslie was generous enough to answer some of my questions about their work and share her insight which is information worth remembering!  And second, Leslie Sinclair who owns Segreto has  generously offered a signed book as a giveaway!! How fun is that!!!! This is a book every single design enthusiast should have gracing their bookshelves.  All details on bottom of this post. Here is a sampling of their uber gorgeous work as well as Leslie's answers to my questions for inquiring minds that want to know......

The beautiful coffee table book chock full of beautiful inspiration.....

 What is the most requested finish that you are asked to do? Why do you think this is so popular?  Plaster finishes and cabinet finishes are the current most popular techniques. I think the trend in home interiors are to soften the spaces so your eye goes seamlessly between the different elements in a home.  Plaster achieves a warmth and depth while still maintaining a softness which complements the surrounding rather than overpowering them.  Sometimes the starkness of plain paint on cabinetry can detract from a home’s overall look.  By putting a series of soft glazes on them you can bring out the details in the pieces and create a furniture feel as if the piece had been acquired and built in to the space.

What trends have you seen in the last few years with finishing? A softening of techniques.  The 80’s and 90’s had heavy faux finishes which were drastic and dramatic—I love the turn of events where the current finishes enhance rather than overpower a space.

For someone on a strict budget, what can you suggest to enhance blank walls? I think to pick and choose.  Every surface in your home does not need to be treated with a finish!!  Stay soft between your basecoat and your top coat. Tone on tone always looks great and pick finishes with little variation.  A beautiful color wash can give your walls depth and is applied in a one-step application keeping the cost down.

Which finish is the most timeless? Will stand the test of time? Plaster has been around since 9000 B.C. and has definitely withstood trends and time.  In the faux world if the finishes are soft with subtle movement they also stay strong.  Allover stencil designs done in a soft hand also hold up while giving one a wallpaper seamless look. 

Do you have a favorite or a few favorite paint colors? For the French blue grays I love SW’s new deck—Some of my favorites are Silverpointe and Mineral Deposit. In their old deck Silver Strand For an all-around trim color I love BM Creamy white and many of the selections in the front of their newest deck—It has the best choices of white!! For wall colors I like their historical colors and the colors from the classic color deck better. For gray greens try SW Jogging path,  Techno Gray, and Svelte Sage. For kakis SW Canvas tan and BM Manchester Tan.   Goodness I love color and have so many!!

Do you work just in Texas or throughout the country? Most of our work is in Texas but we have done work in Sarasota, San Francisco, Charleston and are going to Los Angeles for a big job in the fall!!

Tell me about a dream job either that you have had or would like to have!  I really love all my jobs big or small!!  To change an environment in a good way in something so personal as someone’s home is my favorite thing I do.  Would be so cool, however to be able to do a job on the other side of the globe!!

Thank you Leslie! Information that we can all benefit from and its always interesting for us design obsessed mavens out there, as we are a unique breed to know whats new and exciting in the world of paint and finishing. Pretty spectacular, don't you think? I think after seeing their work and book, you may never look at white walls the same! 

And finally the wonderful signed book giveaway details. All you need to do is leave a comment here. In addition, if you would like extra chances, you can "like" Segetro on Facebook by clicking here.  I will announce the winner on Friday morning!  Trust me its a book that you will enjoy for many years to come! Thank you for stopping by and thank you Segreto for this wonderful post, your always sensational work and inspiring interiors! Click here to visit their beautiful website. Wishing you an enchanted day!

To purchase “Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors” from the website click here or to purchase through Amazon click here


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