

Monday, February 13, 2012

Guest posting at Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds!

Good morning! How was your weekend? Hope it was a good one! I am excited to be doing a guest post over at Veronica's wonderful blog, Tassels, Twigs and Tastebuds. Veronica asked me to participate in her new series, Blog it Forward, in which she asked me 20 fantastic and thoughtful questions. You know with a name like that, its got to be captivating! Veronica started blogging in May of 2011 and has certainly done a marvelous job. I adore all of her posts which are evidence of her undying devotion to beautiful things and heavenly decor. Are you familiar with her blog? If not I highly suggest you pay a visit, she packs so much beauty and inspiration into each and every post....its so worth the trip!

 I have also learned a bit here and there from her blog, such as the finer points of sabrage(no worries I didn't know what it was either), to the beauty of free standing tubs, some mind blowing entertaining inspirations, wine tastings, and have gotten some wickedly good recipes too....paella anyone? I am as enticed by her musings that draw you in as I am to the magical images she shares. Her infectious and warm personality shine through loud and clear! How lucky is she that she gets to call Cape Town home!  I would love you to come on over and visit me there, and drop a line to say hi to both of us. I think you will be thrilled to discover yet another fabulous blog that has the ability to 'take you away"!! Below a few images from her amazing collection of dreamy images.....see you over there!!

Have I enticed you? Breathtaking...don't you think? Thought you would agree. Head on over, click here to visit us! Wishing you a wonderful day  and smooth start to the week!



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