

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Saturday and random musings

Good afternoon and happy Saturday to you! Hoping for a more relaxed weekend than last, excpet for an event we have Sat. night should be a chill weekend....would love to get to a movie, as its been soooooo long, want to see The Descendants, anyone see it? Things are finally calming down here, but I only say that because the physical act of moving is just about done. Can you belive just last night we had yet one last batch moved over?  I was quick to find places for everything but admittedly there will be lots of 'reshuffling" going on. So I have resigned myself to the fact that this is going to take a long time, but slowly it will get done. At least the kitchen, family room and breakfast feel like 'home" and feel lived in and we do in fact literally live in those rooms.
I, for the first time ventured out the other day, and started looking at fabrics, which was fun. It was more out of necessity, as my husbands bathroom needs a window treatment (above his tub) so am thinking a flat roman and my bathroom needs a treatment, probably going with a long balloon shade. And finally the back stair hall has a bench, and needs a cushion and a window treatment above it. Honestly, not much new to show but a few fabric options and really just trying to get organized, so most of the progress has been a "behind the scenes" kind of progress. On top of that, we still have people working here, the paitners and woodworkers so we are limited.  So that's what I have been up to......below a few updates.

Fabric for window seat that I love for back hall window seat and window treatment

Love the colors......

I apologize for poor picture taking.....trying to find the right light!
Love that it has the must have blue, with the brown and a creamy background for contrast

OK if at this point you are thinking "when will she stop with this fabric.....enough already" that was it...just had to show you in a few lights and against a few settings.....

Sorry...that is really it with the fabric, promise!

Hallway.....ahhhh, so nice to see the floors!! But they are covered again as the painters finish up

Haven't shown the progress of the library in a long time, so here it goes......
Ceiling, finish has not started yet, this is just the raw mahogany wood

The library has doors leading out to loggia

So nice to enjoy the railing after being covered up all this time!

Hung the fixture, amazing how it shrunk when it went up there!! We didnt' have enough chain so they arent' done yet, but its a temporary light since we obviously need light there, probably going to go with another "beefier" fixture
My azalea tree in full beautiful bloom, going strong!
A few had asked to see the fireplace closer it is
Next stools. These are from our old house, so being used temporarily. What do you see here? Stools same color as cabinet or done in black or a fully upholstered stool?
Teddy standing guard
Teddy on the prowl for crumbs no doubt

Peeking into pantry

And finally some other fabric contenders, all thoughts welcome!

Tower foyer almost done painting...finally!

Now some fabric talk......OK now onto my bathroom, want something very soft, feminine and of course blue and white...

I really like this, what do you think? Its a soft linen blend and I think for a elongated balloon would be beautiful, show you in several pictures so you see the floors too

Love my orchids!

I would love one in every room.....

 Now husbands bath, this is for a tall window above his tub, will be a flat roman, which do you like?

Hard to see but the dark stripe part of the stripe is a dark brown and the one on the right has the same color as the brown in the floors (light emperador)

Well, there you have it. Its going to a long arduous process but we will get it done. Had our very final last batch of things brought over last night...FINALLY its over! But little baby steps are being made. You know I love hearing from you and your opinions are so welcome! Wishing you a wonderful Saturday.



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