

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

England, the tour

The ladies of this past tour are long home. Having the good fortune to still be in England, my partner in travel, Sylvia Benjamin and I are busy scouting and planning for next years tours.

Care to "join" us,  for a moment?    
Let's go!

The lovely Diana created a masterful welcome reception. Everyone's surprise? Amazing food whether dining in or out!
Wine on one of the patio's. Look at the long views surrounding us

Predominately a garden tour we also

                                                              learned flower arranging
                                                                      did this!

                                                              shopping in downtown Sherborne
viewing interiors.......a typical British manor home bedroom. See the surrounding paneling? It is called 'linen fold'. see the close up below? I am always in awe at the artistry and exactness of this hand carved, old school art form. 

Swedish massage and Kinesiology.

How about a quick lesson in English gardens? This home is the standard cottage garden, even though there is nothing "standard" about it
Oftentimes vines clamor up the buildings, it makes the structure more "one with the garden"

This example and the next is my favorite type of garden; formal "bones" usually heavily sheared boxwood and/or yew. This lends order to the garden without being too structured.

Prairies which come second nature in the Midwest are becoming a happy concept in the British gardens, often with a sense of whimsey. Example; a buffalo

This prairie garden has a children's natural hideaway    

with an interior metal 'spider web' being fully utilized

transitioning to the manor home

with more formal bones and a typical austere entrance.
See the white doves? Their coooing was serene

 magic reigns beyond and deep within

Personally I find the British to be numero uno in the container department. As this photo conveys, get some of your containers out in the garden where they can create "exclamation points" of interest.

Having learned to plant in the UK; they plant rootball to rootball while tucking in seeds (in containers). The temperate weather with plenty of moisture and a 'softened' sun keep them looking divine all season.

Next post; Paris, the Maison & Object trade show plus Paris Design week, hint....INSPIRATION!!!

To those of you locally, or to those of you accepting shipments, the velvet pumpkins (real stems)
are in, all three shops.



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