

Monday, September 12, 2011

Behind the Kate from Party Resources!!

Good morning! I am starting to feel falls crisp cool air slowly making an entrance, as I took Teddy out this morning it dawned on me, summer really is over. Though I will admit, I do love the season of fall, from the beautiful crisp weather to the gorgeous foliage to the luxurious clothes that accompany it...just wish we could push fast forward and then go right back into summer, skipping winter! Enough of my weather woes,  I am so happy to be here with another fabulous behind the blogger interview, definitely one of my favorites. So please welcome.......

Kate from Party Resources

Kate's blog is part of my morning routine, my blogworld visits would not be the same without a stop over at her exquisite blog showcasing everything having to do with elegant entertaining and beautifully planned events of all kinds that range from amazing destination weddings to elegant soirees both at home and exotic locales. Her mother, the renowned party planner, Dixie Todd and Kate started this blog to showcase their talents and expertise in all matters having to do with party planning and its crystal clear that the "extraordinarily good taste gene" runs in the family. I get so many amazingly great ideas from Party Resources, based in Litchfield County, and its always great fun to discover a new idea for a party or a new inn or restaurant that they are profiling. Their work takes them all over and one look at their site, you will see why their services are in high demand! Trust me, there is always something fabulous going on over there!  If you don't know of her blog yet, run don't walk are in for a mega treat!

Click on the header to visit Party Resources and thanks Kate for participating......

So....... what inspired you to start blogging in the first place?
We wanted to expand the reach our family business – Party Resources with fresh fun ideas on entertaining. 
And my friend Erin of Element Of Style is someone I have known for years and was very supportive. 

How did you come up with your blog name?
Not very inspired – it is the name of our company. 

Do you have a favorite all time movie?
I have a few that come to mind: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Julie and Julia, The Hangover, Rear Window – how about that for an eclectic list! 

You get to spend a month in the European it Italy or France?
I have been fortunate enough to spend time in both countries. Italy – no contest! The people, the scenery, the food, the language and the wine! 

Favorite meal?
This time of year it would include: oysters on the half shell paired with champagne, caprese salad with local summer tomatoes, fresh corn from a local farm stand, a crusty baguette served warm with home made basil butter with a really good bottle of rose or Sauvignon Blanc. I am not much of a dessert person. 

Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family.
My mother is the person who runs Party Resources. Her name is Dixie and she is one hell of a style maven! 

If you could have any career what would it be? I think maybe interior design, as I love all things visual.

Favorite design style?
Classic with eclectic, modern style 

If you could only live in one color what would it be?

Favorite season and why?
Fall. I have always lived in New England (with short stints in Chicago and London). The changing of the leaves, crisp clear air, a cozy fire and a warm sweater.

Design icon?
Tory Burch

One place you haven't been that you want to visit-
South Africa – I have been to Morocco but would love to go on safari in S. Africa

What's your number one pet peeve?
People that don’t know when to stop texting or talking on their mobile phone.

What are the two best things about blogging?
Fellow bloggers and the readers. I had no idea what I wonderful community I would encounter when I launched our blog a year ago. 

You get to have a private dinner with any two people in the world, they can be from the fashion, design world, literary world, Hollywood, politics,etc....your choice. Who are the lucky two? Bono and George Clooney 

Do you have a favorite saying or quote?Her genius was her oneness with herself. Said about Georgia O’Keeffee

Reading anything interesting that you want to share?
  Blood, Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton  It was suggested by a restaurant owner here in Boston and is all about the adventures of the food world for an aspiring chef.

You are 18 again. What do you do?
Enjoy the freedom from responsibility and not be in such a hurry to grow up! 

What are your plans for the fall? To me, fall in New England is all about crisp air and fall foliage. I spent Labor Day weekend at the stunning Stowe Mountain Lodge and am already planning a return trip. I haven't gotten further than that yet.......

In ten years I will be....................

If you could live anywhere on earth and money was no object where would you go?
I would have a place in Boston (where I live now), a house on the ocean on the Cape and a place in Tuscany. 

Best tip or two for any new bloggers reading this.......
Blog consistently 5 days a week
Read other blogs for inspiration and leave comments
Ask fellow bloggers to do guest posts, it is a great way to get to know other bloggers and expand your following.

What a great question! I think I would rather answer with a few entertaining tips that I love for entertaining. Serve a signature drink for your next party (small or large). Pair them with a personalized stirrer- like a pinwheel or monogram.

Blogging to me is
 A creative outlet.

Give me four words that describe your personality.
Energetic, creative, funny and loyal. 

And here is a little recap of the things that Kate loves......

Kate, thank you so much for being my guest today! I am sure you can all see why I think so highly of Kate and her wonderful blog and incredible eye for all things beautiful. In addition, anyone who will have both George and Bono at her dinner table, is a girl I want to be friends with! Please do stop by and say hello, click here to visit Kate at Party Resources. Have a wonderful day!


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