

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm going for a walk around my potager, do you want to come with me and see what is growing?
Straight ahead you will find rainbow chard.  Beyond that green beans.  To the right zucchini.  In the far back, herbs, garlic, onions and leeks.
This is a garlic blossom.  I planted the garlic last fall and it will be ready to harvest late summer.
This is the rainbow chard.  See that white thing on the right?  A turnip seed must have been mixed in with the chard seeds!
Here in the front are peas, that are ready to be pulled out and something else planted.  To the left are tomatoes, carrots and beets.  We also have peppers and lettuce growing in the long bed in the back.
This is how my back yard looks now.  It is all torn up.  Mr. Comforts of Home dug this trench in order to get water and electric to the fountain and the pergola.
Someday soon, this fountain will be working and there will be flowers around it...

Do you grow a veggie garden?  What have you planted in it?
Welcome Home,
p.s.  I should have the chairs and table painting by the end of the weekend or the beginning of next week.  When I do, we will celebrate with a giveaway.  Sound like fun?  


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